28: Real

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It was a strange feeling.

Even as I crawled out of the purified waters and onto the flushed soft and sparkling sand of the shore, I had no idea of what I just survived from, how I survived it and how I even managed to get here with a wounded leg.

I was overwhelmed by the sensation of numbness and was experiencing a desertion of all thoughts and questions which led me into an apathetic stance. It was like I was living emptily while I stared at the endless depth of ceiling covering the abandoned city of Zhekson while listening to the waves of the naturally revived ocean which almost became the chamber of my corpse.

At that point my cognizance and senses were gradually returning to me and a realization combined with a question came along with a single wave of the ocean.

I was alive, but how?

"Aecha!" Gilmos' voice sounded which hauled my awareness back to the world.

I turned to my stomach and saw how green moss and plant roots were leisurely conquering the rot that once ruled the abandoned city. Animalias which were foreign to my eyes roamed above and below and I did not know how to properly thank the core of "Earth" for aiding me with his superb power.

But his ability was just...I was left in astonishment and excitement and every possible positive emotion I can have at this point. This core knew something and he had something in which we need to learn about. I did not have any idea of how he was able to communicate with me but I have a feeling that the medallion that Hesein had given me had something to do with it.

Seeing how he can turn an occurrence like this which troubled our planet for so many years just proved how vital it was for me to find where this "Earth" was. His power was definitely related to my eomma there was no doubt about that. He must also know about the legs of Tom-Ak-Ta.

Gilmos slid across the sand with his knees and exactly knelt beside me while he tried to sit me up.

"Are you alright? What happened?" he asked me with a worried gaze. "And how exactly did you manage to do this?" he asked me again referring to the sudden growth of life everywhere.

"I am alright. I have discovered that Saek and the others have released this dimension into our world using a technology I found in the factory of annihilators. Someone had murdered the major cronie and made a drone similar to it," I explained. "And as for the purification of the land, well, that's another story in which I have not yet completely understood."

Gilmos clucked his tongue and assisted me up on my feet. "You can never trust anyone now but we can sure make use of that 'other' story of yours. We have to move. Can you walk?" he asked.

I nodded at Gilmos' with a grateful smile and used his smaller stature as a replacement to the functionality of my leg. "Where will we go now Gilmos-ssu?" I questioned. This place was a frame-up and we need to find out where the next invasion will be.

"I don't know we'll have to think of something. I have to check things with Iomarbus, I heard something happened there," he replied.

My ticker let out a squeak of fright when Gilmos pushed my body away and used his hand as a shield to against the incoming arrow. The arrow pierced through his hand causing him to grimace. My eyes immediately dart to the source of the arrow and I was starting to believe that I was imagining things.

"Whoever you are, get away from Aecha!" Gilmos(?) snarled. He had a slight limp on his movement with a look of distress on his face. He also seemed a bit pale.

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