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"You should rest Your Majesty. You've been at your studies for days now."

Crimson red eyes augmented with sagacious logic which also revealed a tempestuous personality which continued to grow in intensity met with undecipherable and equally impenetrable aquamarine eyes. Asahi and Tetsuro were at the castle's library containing thousands of stone tablets in which number went on and on until it reached the ceiling which was now a mere dark dot with how high it was. At this setting, Asahi was at the ages 19-20 years old.

"I'm reaching for perfection Tetsuro. A perfect King will lead into a perfect kingdom," the redhead answered.

"Impossible," both Tetsuro and I answered in unison although Asahi could not hear me. I will just let Tetsuro explain how ridiculous Asahi's thinking was. Amusement can be seen in Asahi's eyes and he gave his full attention into Tetsuro.

"Oh? Care to explain how I am wrong with my assumption? I am open to debates," Asahi challenged.

"Perfection do not exists Your Majesty therefore it can never be reached. If perfection did exist, then we will perform our activities in a routine-like way because we already have a standard of perfection. There will be no arguments, there will be a one hundred percent satisfaction for all people and in the process we lose our individuality. Another reason for why perfection does not have a place in this world is because we are created differently. We are distinct from one another and for that reason, we mustn't attempt to reach for perfection for it shall never be attained," Tetsuro explained.

"You are right my Tetsuro," Asahi praised. "Then do you think that your statement is absolute and without a doubt one hundred percent correct?" Asahi rebutted.

Tetsuro narrowed his eyebrows in thought. "Of course not Your Majesty because like I said, there is no absolute and there is no flawlessness."

The King of Ancients chuckled and closed his eyes. "Then, there is a chance that perfection can exist and there is a chance of it being reached. And if perfection does exist, there is a chance that our activities won't be routine-like in way because we will apply appropriate individual activities and in that process, we won't lose our distinctiveness. You are correct about us being created differently and I have no argument with that," Asahi argued.

The teal-haired man glared at Asahi. "You still lose this argument Your Majesty. I win," Tetsuro declared.

Asahi released three 'tsk' before saying: "But saying that we are distinct from one another is a known fact therefore it is not counted. I consider our scores equal."

"You cannot make such rules Your Majesty," Tetsuro deadpanned.

"Hm...are you sour because you thought you have won out of our one thousand and seven debates?"

Tetsuro turned around with his unreadable expression. "I have won countless of times and you just won't admit defeat," he murmured. A dark cloud with threatening thunders began to loom over his head causing Asahi to temporary lose his cool demeneor and immediately getting it back again.

"Oh stop your childish protest," Asahi chuckled and moved his forefinger and middle finger in a swishing manner successfully dismissing the clouds. "Fine, I'll give you a point. You are fortunate to have a merciful King such as me."

Tetsuro twirled around while still bearing his unreadable expression. "No, I do not need your pity. I demand a rematch in all our debates."

Asahi gave Tetsuro a look of disbelief. "Exactly who's-" before completing his sentence he took another breath to gather his thoughts. "Remind me who's the older man here again?"

The setting shifted and showed me Tetsuro coming out of the library after telling Asahi to get dressed so that they can interact with some of the people in the Kingdom. There was another man with a much lighter blue hair leaning against the wall. He was wearing the same black uniform as Tetsuro. Once Tetsuro took notice of him, he bowed and walked passed him only to be called out.

Paragon (6th Book of DT) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now