1: Open Market

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The Open Market was a place where extraterrestrial creatures can visit without any strict guidelines. It was a place confined in a small portion of planet Aecha that was situated far from the main cities that were created underground.

Being a clean planet yet open to visitors, the Hesein, who was the divine leader of Aecha suggested an Open Market. He wanted to maintain the cleanliness of our planet yet at the same time welcome foreign creatures but the recent pollution of the now closed-off city Zhekson led him to the decision to ban extraterrestrials from entering the cities Iomarbus and Fracos. The visitors can only enter the Open Market and the Underground Arena where the Kia Brawl competitions were held.

Basically, almost all activities and structures of the Aecheans excluding the Open Market were held underground. The surface was preserved for the creatures that had nothing to do with our technological advancements. This was the implemented plan of our Hesein to maintain the tranquility and neatness of our world.

Since the visitors were only confined in the Open Market, it was already expected that this portion of the planet was severely dirty because of extraterrestrials that had a lifestyle of filth. The Mocks were gray, tall, fiendish looking creatures from planet Smut. They were aggressive, short-tempered, hypersexual and extremely dangerous. It was for this reason why the vendors of the Open Market recently reached out to our Hesein to ban the Mocks from Aecha.

"Aecha-mu, take care of the goods, I trust you," Dekmuth-ssu told me while he attached the magnetic ring-binds around my wrists.

I was sent to pick up the Vivere potions from the manufacturer since we were running out of said potions.

A vivere potion was a slimy substance made from the gooey blood of a dead Medusozoa, the floating soft-bodied creatures with gelatinous-like cupped shaped heads and trailing tentacles we see at the skies. This potion can connect and heal broken tissues and organs and at the same time revive a newly dead organism.

 This potion can connect and heal broken tissues and organs and at the same time revive a newly dead organism

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Only Dekmuth-ssu knew how to create this potion thus he needed to be hidden away in the most secluded place of the Open Market. His face was never seen by anyone and he was always covered in a black cloak. His pod house was surrounded by hired Paragons for maximum security.

 His pod house was surrounded by hired Paragons for maximum security

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