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Warning: Violence against people of all ages ahead.

All I could focus on hearing were sharp gasps, whines, and sobs caused by a paroxysm of anger, throes, powerlessness and acrimony.

My eyes narrowed down to the place where Tetsuro's detka was tossed away after being peeled off without a fight from his carrier. The bare unprepared infant lied on the dusty grounds of injustice and cruelty that even in an early death, his lifeless body wasn't even given care and privacy in which he deserved.

One of Severen's men further kicked the infant away with a revolted face that it was as if the very existence of Sachihiro offended him. Another one moved the infant to the side using his foot without even sparing Sachihiro a glance as to give space to participate in the entertainment in which I perceived as torture and the most dishonorable way to fight.

The pained sobs didn't come from Tetsuro but rather, it came from me. He never broke a wince and never even showed how much it hurt him even when he was bleeding from the loss and humiliation that he was experiencing. He never cried out no matter how many men took him that day.

I know how much he wanted to cry but couldn't. I know how much he wanted to run and pick up Sachihiro into his arms in hopes of reviving him and shielding him from the brutality of the world. I know how much he wanted to die that day and take everyone who wronged his detka into a painful and slow death.

There was not a drop of lucidity remaining in his mind but what was left inside was an empty and broken life.

The door of the house slammed open revealing Light Knights bearing their spears. Their armors reflected the light coming from the afternoon sun which possessed hope for the needy.

"In the name of the King—"The Light Knight in lead was silenced from the gruesome view that was slammed back at him just as when they obliterated the door.

"Tetsuro!" The Knight gasped.

Just as the name was brought up, the Knight in lead was shoved to the side by no other than Genshi. The rebels rose up from the ground and the man who was still inside of Tetsuro remained due to petrification.

Genshi's eyes widened in terror and slowly his face twisted into extreme rage. "You sick bastards!" he growled and charged ahead in full strength spearing every person in the room he could find and burning them in a blazing conflagration. "I'm going to kill every last one of you! Fuck the name of the King!"

More Light Knights poured inside and helped Genshi kill the others but captured Severen and the other Shadow Knights who betrayed the King. The last man who took Tetsuro snapped out of his paralyzed state and abruptly withdrew himself only to be hauled by Genshi and get speared right through the groin. Tetsuro— who was staring at Sachihiro the whole time— began to move with the remaining strength he had left in him.

He turned himself around and pulled himself in a helpless crawl of desperation. His eyes started to water and he let out shivering breaths. He crawled through the brawling bodies and as if fate finally allowed him to reach his detka, not a single one in the room intervened. A clear pathway was set up for him and he sobbed his way towards his Sachihiro.

Once Sachihiro was at arm's length, he reached and cradled the detka's face with his hand.

"Sachi...hiro..." Tetsuro whispered. "Sachi-Sachihiro..." he murmured in a louder tone with his face in the brink of a breakdown.

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