13: Shoo

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"Are you okay?!"

That was the 14th time that someone had asked me about my condition. My wounds were still painfully swell and they were healing very unhurriedly as what Typhi had stated but as of now I did not mind anything that was pertaining about my health.

I was emotionally damaged and mentally crushed by what I have discovered and the only reason why I was keeping myself together was the fact that I still had a mission to fulfill. My siblings depended on me and trusted me with the future of planet Aecha. I cannot let anymore wasteful sacrifices to happen in the future because my eomma had lost so many of his children to Necron.

Though I did regret not closing up my suit which clearly exposed the bite wound including the depression on my chest caused by the hit of the Annie, I pushed the regret in the back of my mind and continued with my research.

I did not attempt to look at the people concerned for me or even stand up and acknowledge them because I was too engrossed in learning more about my siblings. However my interest on the activity was temporarily halted when Hunse slammed his fist on the table and gave me his glare.

"Xiu is asking you; don't act like you are merely sporting an insect bite and a regular bruise you dolt," he coldly snapped. A hand shoved Hunse away and Xiu replaced him.

"Stop it Hunse!" Xiu scolded. He gazed back down at me with a sad and concerned look on his face. "Long time no see Scion. I thought we would never see each other again," he said. "I'm really glad that you're here, you have always wanted to become a Paragon."

At first his statement baffled me because I have never told him or Hunse about a dream of becoming a Paragon, but then I realized that I was Scion now and I never did know what dreams he had.

"Yes...things changed and I am very glad to have passed the exam," I replied and attempted to give him a smile. I realized that Xiu befriended anyone and that no matter the condition, he would always show concern. "Thank you for worrying."

Xiu nodded. "Don't force yourself too much okay? Necron hasn't even arrived yet."

"And you already look like you faced the monster," Hunse grumbled. Xiu jabbed Hunse at his side earning him a glare from the taller man. "What? He looks like he's been bitten by a cronie and punched by an oversized fist. A little more beating and he will look like Necron's dung."

Xiu retured his glare and shoved him. Hunse grumbled as he walked farther away from us. Xiu had always been accurate with his assumptions so I can never get angry at him. I actually find his words very comforting because at least I know that he will always be honest with his opinions and was never afraid of expressing it...unlike Gilmos who I have always thought was on my side.

The sense of betrayal within my ticker still pained me...

I stared down on the table and felt the downing feeling submerging further within me causing the tears to be pushed up at the rim of my lower eyes. Xiu gave my head gentle pats.

"I know you're truly strong-willed Scion. You have never let anyone's opinion stop you from reaching your goals. You really amaze me but you don't have to cross the rough roads all the time. If you abuse your body too much, the descendant of Ecgtheow will lose a formidable ally. As Paragons, we need to be there for him because out of anyone, he knows what is best for planet Aecha. He's the light that we should follow and if I had the strength to go up against those guards...I would bust him out of that prison because the light that will save planet Aecha should not be confined by those who he will save."

Paragon (6th Book of DT) YaoiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora