3: Illegal

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"The President of the Paragons said that you cannot be trained to do battle," Gilmos-ssu told me.

Well thank Kaisen for that.

"Gilmos-ssu, Bish-ssu said that we shouldn't tell him!" Saek-ssu reminded him.

After arriving in the campus, Gilmos-ssu and his group were called for a conference which consisted of Bish-ssu, the mayors of cities and Hesein, the Divine leader of planet Aecha or so I heard from the guards outside.

From the sound of it, their topic was me. They left me inside a pod which was connected to a long foyer guarded by twenty Paragons. They also secured my whole body with a straitjacket.

It was nice of them to secure me. They really knew that I can be a great threat to anyone who I may come across.

"Gilmos-mow, are you sure that it's alright to tell Aecha-mow?" Typhi-ssu asked him.

The said leader of their group was in a foul mood when they arrived from the meeting and I wish I could do something to ease his distress.

"Gilmos-ssu, what is causing your rage? Do you wish to talk about it?" I asked him. At this point I do not think I can do anything of what I offer since I was restrained but I may give him an idea of ways to calm him down.

Gilmos-ssu's expression softened a little from my question but it became a full blast scowl which was more intense than before.

Ah, he didn't want to talk about it then.

"They are treating him like a convict! We brought Aecha here so that he can be trained to be a Paragon but look at what they are doing to him!" Gilmos-ssu snarled and pointed outside the indestructible double-door especially made for notorious criminals.

I have never seen Gilmos-ssu so angry before, usually, he was calm and collected. Even in interviews, he gave the impression of a shy and humble Aechean despite his numerous achievements.

"They are afraid of Aecha's strength but it had already been six months and he did not show any signs of the usual newborn hostility that is commonly seen in Ecgtheow's children," Dryp said. I have never seen his eyes. They were always covered by his straight bangs.

"So what exactly do they plan on doing to him?" Trux-ssu asked. "They can't keep him here forever. Ecgtheow gave birth for a reason. What will Aecha do once Necron and its cronies arrive? Sell them potions? Offer them talk therapy?" he asked coolly. I have never seen a Necron and cronies before and never did I do research about them seeing that battling with one was never my interest. But maybe we can do a different approach the next time they come. A gentler approach was needed.

"Like they said, when Necron arrives, Aecha will jump in its mouth so that the poison that he has in his body will cause Necron to weaken and that'll be our chance to attack," Typhi-ssu explained.

I will be consumed by it? I do not think I taste good and I had been storing poison in my body this entire time. I really was a threat to Aecheans. This made me more inclined to reduce my existence into nothing in order to keep Aecheans safe.

Gilmos-ssu snarled angrily and sat beside me on my pod bed. He ran his hand through his red hair while sinking himself in deep thought that not even my system can take a peek.

A smile slowly formed on his lips and it would seem that it was a smile well-known to his group members.

"Oh no, Kaisen no!" Saek-ssu groaned our creator's name.

"I don't feel so good..." Dryp-ssu murmured and gagged.

"Gilmos-mow....what nasty plan have you created in that brilliant mind of yours now?" Typhi-ssu sighed.

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