27: Traitors

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"Typhi-ssu?!" I exclaimed with a startled tone of bewilderment.

Why was Typhi-ssu attacking us?

"Typhi, what's going on here?" Gilmos angrily questioned.

Typhi's blank expression did not alter as he caught the slicer back with his hand and changed his weapon into his double blades. My senses caught an incoming landing from above and I gazed up finding Trux, Dryp, and Saek soaring down from the buildings altogether with the same apathetic expressions.

"Do you know what's going on with Typhi?" Gilmos questioned once they landed on the ground.

Both Gilmos and I stepped back when all of them pointed their guns at us especially Trux who was aiming his grenade launcher at us.

"This isn't a good joke, stop this at once! We are all in a mission and we can't afford to play tricks on each other!" Gilmos snarled at them.

Saek scoffed at Gilmos' statement. "We're done following you around Gilmos. All you do is for your own glory and now we want our share of credit," Saek coldly spoke in defiance.

"Saek-ssu please, this isn't the time to fight over such shallow things. You wouldn't have any credit at all if planet Aecha becomes succumbed in rot!" I begged.

"Shut up lowlife! You don't know how we feel. We've been slaves under him for too long and we've agreed to do one thing now!" Saek snarled at me.

I have never thought that Trux, Dryp, Typhi and Saek were these kinds of Aecheans. Well Saekhad some potential of doing so but the other three? They have started as humble Paragon trainees and they have stayed as humble citizens despite their fame in the arena tournaments. This wasn't like them at all.

"Aecha, I want you to run and continue our main mission," Gilmos spoke. "You remember our secret code right? I will find you after I deal with them..." He added firmly.

"Will you be okay Gilmos-ssu?" I asked him with concern. They were four powerful and skillful Paragons against one powerful and skillful Paragon. I did not want to leave Gilmos alone in this fight but our main mission was a priority.

Gilmos looked back and grinned. "I will be alright. I have taught them everything I know about winning and this time...I'll teach them everything I know about an agonizing defeat..."

"Heh, you think we'll let your little pet leave here alive?" Trux asked. Gilmos shrugged.

"I could ask the same thing about your status...Traitors..." Gilmos hissed.

A red circular light expanded from Gilmos' position which then formed intricate lines and symbols. "Move Aecha!" Gilmos ordered and I took that command as a cue to sprint away from the future site of a large explosion.

I need to find the major cronie but where do I even start?

I abruptly stopped at an intersection having my feet scratch the ground before twisting to the other way and continuing to sprint. I had my eyes zoom in when I could perceive something ahead of me rampaging towards my direction. There were a group of rhinos heading my way. They didn't seem to be infected but I would be trampled down if I meet them halfway in their condition of panic.

I gazed up to one building and saw several broken windows in which exterior sill I can hold on. I leaped up and grabbed onto the sill grimacing when I felt shattered glass puncturing through the palm of my hand. I waited for all of the rhinos to pass through this street before letting go of the handle. My palm automatically pushed out the shatters of glass so that it can begin the healing process.

Paragon (6th Book of DT) YaoiWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu