Chapter 41

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adella pov -

For the next few days I wake up and blackout repeatedly. Unknowing of what the time is, the date or day. Everytime I wake up, I hope that it's the time that Ashton is here to save me. But it never is. My hope is slowly fading as I fear the worst, that they got caught on the way here. Tortured or worse.

I've had no visitors since the man twisted and plunge the knife back into me. Not even Gareth or Russell and this makes me worried. As even when I was here before, I was always tortured and never left. The fact that they're doing this now, makes me weary.

I'm now awake again and quietly groaning at my unhealed wounds, the silver in them causing the healing process to be disabled and the fact that I don't have any aid from Gareth, makes me decline drastically in health.

My stomach covered in dry blood and a gaping wound, my right thigh containing a knife and also dried blood. On my left thigh, I have a big scar from the bullet wound, then my legs are also streaked in the red substance, but mostly my inner thighs.

I've been lying in the same location for the whole time, not having enough energy to move. Having had no food or water for at least four days. I haven't heard from my wolf for the same time either, which is extremely worrying as I've heard this is the start of the death process.

I sigh restlessly and feel the need to move, feeling useless and stupid for not doing anything. I feel the saliva growing in my mouth and get an idea, despite it being small it still is one. I start to gather it in large amounts in my dried mouth and spit it into my hands. I then immediately transfer this to my stomach wounds and the pain eases after what feels like ages.

I carefully and slowly shuffle to the wall, which is about five yards away, and lean my back against the wall and sigh in relief. The pain slightly having improved from the saliva and my sitting position. The saliva, containing enzymes that help the healing process, lessening the soaring pain.

I then gather some courage and lift my leg, containing the dagger and unwillingly lift my hand to it. My hand wraps round the handle and painfully sits there for minutes, myself not having the courage to pull it out.

My heartbeat jumps to a high rate as I hear loud footsteps in the hallway, I mercilessly rip the weapon out of me and throw it to the other side of the room. My bottom lip now swollen and blood profusely flooding from it, from the intense pressure of keeping the bone rattling scream from escaping.

The footsteps however don't stop outside my door and I slowly calm down. Thanful of the steps, for incentivising me to pull the knife but at the same time not as now the pain has been tripled. I continuously put saliva into my hand and smother the wound tenderly with it.

I sit there and fiddle with my hair, add more saliva to both wounds which are now improving, try to move a little; for what seems like hours until I hear sounds. Loud, fierce sounds.

My ears perk up at the sounds and my senses are drastically changed, my wolf suddenly at the forefront of my mind and allowing me to use her hidden, stored energy.

What is happening? Can you hear? I question my wolf, knowing that she hasn't emerged from the depths of my mind, for no reason.

Not yet, I can't but something's different and I can feel it. She replies.

What type of different? I ponder, the ominous feeling of what's taking place on the other side of the door causing me to worry.

Having had no answer to my foreboding question I focus my attention on figuring out what is happening around me. The slamming of doors, growls, shouts, screams, clanging and dragging of metal slowly growing closer.

The ear cringing screech of metal gaining on me, the anonymous person sinisterly dragging it along the floor and wall tiles. I shuffle and try to get up, using the wall as an anchor but my too injured state disables me from doing that.

I curse lowly and look to around to view anything that could protect me, but to no avail there isn't anything except that dagger I launched to the other side of the room.

Despite my senses increased due to my wolf's abrupt appearance, they are still significantly lower than usual. This prohibits me from hearing or smelling who is stalking towards my cell.

Finally the heavy feet stop outside my cell but the stench of blood and death increases. However, as if ignoring all these menacing points, my wolf seems at ease and unbothered by this unusual event.

Almost like time has slowed down, the bolts and locks on the door are opened one by one. Tentatively the door is unlatched, the creaks of the old door invading the petite room. The silent but tension filled air is now conquered by guttural and tumultuous growls.

A snout materialises from the steadily opening door and I sigh in relief. The familiar silver wolf making my wolf ecstatic, myself currently shaking with excitement.

"Jupiter." My wolf cries as he bounds eagerly towards us, my wolf now in control of me. His wet snout rubs along my body gently while my hands run through his soft and familiar silky fur.

His soft tongue laps my face, something I would usually gag at, now uncaring and loving his company. He swiftly shifts in my arms and Ashton has now appeared.

My wolf moves back in my mind and continues to converge with Jupiter while I can connect with Ashton. I wrap my arms eagerly around him, the best I can with the wounds; his arms also snaking round my frail frame, very lightly.

His nose running along my shoulder and his face buried in my neck, himself taking deep inhales of my scent while I run my fingers through his soft hair and sigh tiredly into him. My face resting on his bloody shoulder, myself deeply inhaling his fond and missed scent.

"I love you so much." Ashton states while cupping my cheeks and gazing into my eyes. I nod and rub my thumb against his soft cheek and let my lips connect with his. Missing the feel of the sparks spreading through our bodies and the familiar buzz awakening inside us.

Our lips softly collide firmly with one another's, moving against our other half's, needing this. After a short minute of kissing,  I pull out and rest my forehead against his. Our heavy pants surrounding us and he says with a smile, "I've missed that."

This makes my heartbeat increase and butterflies flutter round my stomach while the heat rises on my cheeks. He stands up and fully takes in my appearance and his eyes significantly harden and his nose flares but he controls his anger, his eyes fully black.

He leans down and gently picks up my body, I arch my back away from his touch. My wounds triggering pain to spread uncontrollably through my body. My stomach on fire, while my legs not too bad as they are being supported by his arms.

I close my eyes while we walk, the soft lull of his steps combined with his reassuring scent sending me to sleep. My eyes are still closed, the darkness invading all my senses while I hear his desperate pleas for me to stay awake.

As much as I try, the calming darkness takes my hand and leads me into sleep.



Hopefully you're all waiting for the next update desperately, now I'm going on holiday at the end of this week so I'm unsure of my next update xxxx

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