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"Y/N can you like, stop being so freaking pretty for a second? Just one!" Gianna said, sitting down at Zoe's desk, admiring the outfit on her friend.

Y/N gawked as she spun back around, almost stumbling over a pair of wedges. "Are you fucking serious? Have you looked at yourself?" She turned to Zoe, who's short midnight blue dress fit her perfectly. "Evan will not keep his eyes off of you. That's gonna be a fact."

"Oh stop! You guys look amazing." Zoe glanced back down at her phone. "It's getting kinda late. I wish we had more time to hang out. Stupid goddamn traffic..."

"At least we hung it a lot at the shopping place," Y/N explained while changing and getting her stuff together.

Jolting awake, I looked around my room that wasn't even slightly dimmed.

How the hell did I get up here? I thought with my eyes still trying to adjust.


I guess I forgot she was here for a second.

I got up from my bed, yawned, and uncomfortably scratched my head. I assumed that I was really knocked out hours ago. Like, really knocked out. Maybe all the years of lost sleep stabbed me in the back.

One thing was certain, however: Sleeping in jeans was not comfortable.

I quickly opened my door and stumbled downstairs, not paying attention to anything in particular. Mom and Dad could've guessed I was drunk.

"See you guys tomorrow!" Y/N's voice called out shortly after I made it to the kitchen. A small light on the wall was the only thing illuminating the room, so no one could see that I clearly actually looked like shit.
Y/N shuffled downstairs as well. "Hey, you're up."

I swung the fridge door open, trying to hide my embarrassment as Y/N walked over. "How was your nap?"

"Uneventful as fuck," I said blankly. She stepped closer and curiously looked over my shoulder.

"You still have the ice cream." Y/N's eyes landed on the tub that was half filled with vanilla bean ice cream.

I nodded, "Well I'm not letting it go to waste."

She laughed and adjusted her backpack as she leaned against the counter. "I'd give anything to just crash here for tonight."

"What's stopping you?"

"Tomorrow's prom night, Connor. Plus my dad needs me home."

Nice going there, me.

"Right," I scratched the back of my neck. I've never thought about going to prom. All my stuff is prepared and I know what to expect, but it's one of those things you've never think you'd go to.

Maybe I don't know what to expect.

"So do you want me and Zoe to pick you up?" I asked. "She's going with Evan, but she's meeting him there."

"Sure, I'd like that. Thanks." She smiled, running her fingers through her hair. A small buzz came from her bag, making her let out an annoyed sigh.

We stood there silently before I leaned over and locked my lips with hers.
Y/N's hand flew to my shoulder and she didn't let go.


"Oh for fucks sake!"


End of the year prom night, after school.


I stood there awkwardly, tapping my foot in front of the mirror as my dad adjusted my tie. After a while, he finally finished.

"Can't remember the last time I've seen you in a fancy outfit," Dad chuckled as he stepped back.

"Yea. Uh, me neither." I mumbled, loosening the material. "Thanks."

Nodding in approval, he said, "Y/N's gonna be speechless, I'll tell you that."
He pat my shoulder and walked out of my bedroom. "Lookin sharp, Connor."

I stared back at the mirror. The outfit was classy, but at the same time not too fancy. I guess I never saw myself in a dark blue prom suit. Pretty uncommon sight...

"Well look at you!" Mom's almost high-pitched voice bellowed from the hallway. I quickly turned around and saw a priceless smile on her face. "You look absolutely-"

"Not like myself?" I said sarcastically as I slipped on my shoes. "Yea, I know."

"No! But you look very handsome Connor," Mom said, leaning against the doorframe. "You really do look great."

"Thanks, I guess," I cleared my throat as she left with that smile still on her face.

I glanced back at the mirror before rushing downstairs to the living room. My heart began to race as an odd rush of anxiety came over me.

I didn't have to spare time by overthinking shit but here I was now, sitting on the couch feeling so off about literally nothing.

What if something bad happens? What the crap happens then?

"Nothing bad is going to happen"
Y/N would say in that reassuring voice of hers. I felt my hand beginning to clench before Zoe came struggling down the stairs in her heels.

She grabbed her purse and the keys. "I'm driving."

I kept staring into the wall before she leaned over. "Earth to asshole," Zoe called out. Blinking, I snapped back to reality.


"You're fucking high aren't you?"

I bit the inside of my mouth as I made my way around her and outside the front door. Getting high was definitely a temptation, and resisting was hard.

"Have fun you guys!" Mom called out from the house as Zoe and I hopped in the car.

"See ya Mom!" Zoe replied. She started the car and pulled down the mirror. "How do I look?"

"You look fine, just start driving." I groaned. "We still need to get to Y/N's house."

Seconds later we left the driveway. "Might wanna fix the crabbiness or else she's gonna mistake you for an asshole."

"Fuck off, will you?"

Y/N can at least tolerate it.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window.

At least I think she can tolerate it..

Just when I thought I couldn't be startled enough today, Zoe immediately smashed the break, and I held on to the side of the seat. "The hell? What was that for? What happened!?" I looked at my sister, who's hands were shaking on the steering wheel.

"Oh you know I almost got INTO A FUCKING ACCIDENT! Look at this!" She pointed at the road, which was jam packed. The annoying sound of horns honking almost rang in my ears.

"Shit," We both said under our breaths. We turned to each other, and back at the road. "And we thought it was just yesterday."

Zoe rolled down the window and leaned out to take a look. "We might be here for a while."

"And I said I told Y/N I'd pick her up!" I threw my head in my hands and sighed. I didn't even want to look back at the possible line of vehicles forming behind us.

Of course this would happen, I thought. This type of shit is practically inevitable.

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now