15. My Teretory

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He turns to me. Furiously

I excused myself from me.

"Where are you going?" He asked, suddenly

"To hell wanna join?" I snapped

He raised his eyebrow and demanded for answer.

"Washroom" I said. "Now please excuse me"

I walk away from him, my anger was uncontrollable as I follow the signs to the restrooms.

One of the reasons why I was angry is fact that my shoes are already slightly killing me shows how I am not used to this.

When I get there I head straight to one of the stalls and pee. Afterwards when I was washing my hands, I realize how equipped the restroom is.

The fact that there's a sofa right in the middle of the room, may be they know women needs to rest.

There a few women occupying the bathroom mirrors and correcting the make up.

I take a sit on the sofa, and taking out my heels, I begin massaging my feet. I do this for five minutes.
When I'm satisfied I leave the restroom.

I'm walking by the corridor admiring the luxury of the place when suddenly I feel strong arms pulling my waist towards a gloomy dark room.

My yelp and my scream gets chocked up somewhere in my throat.

I got really scared and pushing those hands away from my body, But that's when a familiar scent and body wash hits my noise.

I already know who this person is before I need a voice indication to justify my assumption. The voice simply says,

"Don't ever wear this dress."

He on the switch and the room in light to reveal the face.


He stands there with his condescending eyes which are staring down at me and although he can control by only looking at me.

"You scared me faheem, what is this?"

"You will not wear such exposive dresses am i clear to you?"

I rolled my eyes at him. He came closer to me.

"I dont want people look at you and try to flirt with you, You.Are.Mine"

"There's absolutely nothing I have to say to you." I tell him

"You don't? Well I have a lot, starting with the fact that you are my wife, my teretory" His brown eyes are filled with rage.

I wretch my hand away from his hold, feeling my stomach twist in revolt.

"You can start by getting your facts right. And I can wear whatever I want" I glare at him.

"Well in that case I must remind you that you belongs to whom"

With that warning he grabs my waist again and pull me closer our lips brushed a little.

And start kissing me suddenly, I was to mad to respond so i didn't open my mouth.

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