21. What Goes Around

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Taehyung: Hey, can I talk to you? 

(read at 10:13 a.m)

Taehyung: Please just hear me out. 

(read at 10:46 a.m)

Taehyung: I can see that you're getting my texts. Please y/n 

(read at 12:22 p.m)

I shook my head before putting my phone away again.

"Is that Lover Boy you're talking to?" Jin asked as he sipped his americano. 

I sighed, moving my straw in circles around the whipped cream of my own iced coffee. "If you're talking about current Lover Boy, then yes, he texted me on his break," I grumbled, no longer craving the caffeinated beverage as I leaned back in my seat. 

Jin decided to surprise me and Jungkook today, claiming that he has the weekend off from the business and might as well "bless us all with his handsome presence," is how he put it. 

However, he caught Jungkook right before he was about to walk out the door and head off to work himself. Jungkook begged to stay home, and he would have if I didn't pretty much all but literally kick him out the door, promising that Jin would still be here when he got back. 

But what took Jin by surprise was the kiss planted on my lips before Jungkook headed off and the "don't miss me too much beautiful" that left me embarrassed into complete silence. My life has been too chaotic to keep Jin up to date and I felt bad.

"Gross," Jin had said with the most appalled face I'd ever seen, but it contrasted greatly with the knowing smile afterwards. 

After setting down his drink, Jin leaned back in his seat with a smirk on his face. "To be honest, I thought the next time I saw you you'd be married with ten children."

My eyes widened, almost choking on my drink. "I-- Ahem. I think that's a little too soon."

Jin shrugged one shoulder, clearly trying to get on my nerves. "Whatever you say, Mrs. Jeon." I rolled my eyes, wiping some of the condensation off the cup to flick it at his face but he only laughed harder.

We've been sitting at the coffee shop not far from Jungkook's place for a while now. I found it earlier this week while walking around town throughout the time Jungkook was at work and automatically fell in love with the coffee and the atmosphere.

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