Chapter 52

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Silence engulfs the room and Taehyung's eyes widen in disbelief. His grip on CiCi's hand tightens instantly, his knuckles turn white, but CiCi doesn't protest. Taehyung's throat burns and he couldn't believe what was happening.

"No..." He shakes his head and his whispers begin to escalate, "No, no! No! You can't! You can't just take her away like that!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim, but she's guilty." Mr. Chyeong snickers and CiCi has to yank Taehyung back before he punches Mr. Chyeong's crooked jaw back straight.

"Stop, or you'll be charged for assault." CiCi soothingly strokes her thumb against the back of his hand, Taehyung couldn't believe how calm she is! She's about to be sent to prison! This is going to affect her for the rest of her life! How can she not be outraged like he is?

"Miss Sullivan I have to admit, this is the strangest case of larceny I have ever witnessed in my 25 years of being a judge. Although what you stole was information and not anything that can have a price placed on it, I cannot just simply let you off with a fine, therefore... I here by sentence Miss Ciline Sullivan to a year and a half in the juvenile facility." The judge bangs the gavel and the police move in to handcuff CiCi.

"No!" Taehyung shrieks as he moves CiCi into a tight embrace, "No, no! You're not taking her away from me!"

"Taehyung, let me go—"

"No! You're not leaving me like this!"

"Kim Taehyung!" CiCi's voice echoes out and everyone is silent, her voice cracks and she hides her face from Tae, "Just let me go...."

"But I don't want you to leave, I love you! This isn't right!" Taehyung's lip quivers and he buries his nose in her hair, "I don't want you to leave me...."

"I won't ever leave you, I love you too." CiCi murmurs as she holds onto his arms, "But we don't have a choice."

"It's time to go." The Officer said and Taehyung glares up at him and continues to hold CiCi possessively.

"Taehyung, you have to let me go. I'll be back, hun, it'll be like I was never gone."

"But you will be gone!" Taehyung protests and the policemen get impatient and begins to forcefully pull Taehyung and CiCi apart, "No! No! I don't want her to go!"

"Sir! You have to let go of her!" Taehyung's thrashing around and tries to reach out to CiCi as her arms are placed and cuffed behind her back. Heavy tears pour from his eyes and he tries to leap over the policeman's shoulder as CiCi is slowly led out of the room.

"I love you!" Taehyung cries out and CiCi looks over her shoulder and she gives a sad smile.

"I love you more.... Wait for me, I'll be home soon...

I promise."


Taehyung sits in his room on his chair, the memory of CiCi being dragged away from him replaying in his mind. He swiped his tears away from his reddened cheeks and slowly pulls out his phone, he presses the contacts that he dreaded to talk to.

Taehyung takes a deep sigh as the phone is picked up, "Jin, Suga.."

"Sweet God, you're alright!" Jin's concern was evident and Taehyung's tears started up again.

"Where's CiCi?" Yoongi's voice trembles and Taehyung fights back a cry.

Taehyung took a long pause and sniffs as his silent cries break out, "CiCi... she's... CiCi is in jail..."

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