♥35♥ Her shopping trip

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"Get your stinky ass over here now!" One hand holding a brush and the other one making tiny little explosions, Bakugou Katsuki was not doing a good job convincing the little honey badger to stay still and let him brush her. 

Hissing at him like a honey badger in the wild, Hachimitsu Yuuki was still in her post limit form. Even though she's in such a form, she still have the mind of a human. Why was she hissing at Bakugou like an actual honey badger? Because Bakugou's brushing was hurting her too much and she didn't like it. 

"Stop hissing at me, you bitch!" 

"You stop brushing me like a mad man!" 

"I won't be able to take you out if you don't brush your hair! It's windy and your hair will tangle!" 


"You ass!" Bakugou was not gentle at all and he's probably the furthest thing from when it came to brushing her. "It doesn't even hurt! You're just being a drama queen! 

"You're pulling too much of my hair!" 

"You're the one who kept moving!" 

"Because you're hurting me!" 

And it's probably because of their noise level going from loud to louder that made Mitsuki come out of the kitchen to give a good clip her own son in the head. "You're being too loud, Katsuki! I'm trying to do the cleaning and you're rough handling Yuuki-chan! She's a girl! Who told you to handle girls without care?!" 

"Stop hitting me, you old hag! And it's her own fault!" 

"Katsuki, you can't be rough on Yuuki-chan. Whether she is a human or an animal, you don't rough handle either of them." 

"Yeah, Bakugou." She was now being brushed by Bakugou's father, who was much more gentle than the son. 

"You bitch! I will fucking beat the crap out of you when you're human again!" 

"Bring it! I'll bite you to death in my white wolf form!" 

"No one is beating anyone!" Mitsuki made a point by hitting her son only. 


After a good while of messing around, Bakugou finally decided to take Yuuki to the  Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall. 

Everyone was staring at Bakugou because there's a honey badger just hanging on top of his head. Many people were afraid if he will be bitten to death or not! 

'Hopefully the others are gone-' Bakugou's thoughts were cut off when a familiar voice could be heard.

"Bakugou! Yuuki-chan!" Kaminari nearly ran out of a shop with an item he was holding but he put it back right before he ran out of the store.

"Ugh, it's idiot face." 

"Why do you have to be so mean!" Kaminari really disliked the vulgar side of Bakugou, would it hurt for him to be a little nicer for a change? 

"Kaminari~!" Yuuki waved her paw at Kaminari because she was happy to see him.

"Huh? You're still a honey badger?" 


"You look well, why haven't you changed back yet?" 

"That is a good question." 

Kaminari smiled and he held his arms out, "Can I hold you and pet you?" 

"Don't touch Yuuki with your dirty hands." Bakugou put a hand on top of Yuuki's head, making sure she will not jump away or climb down.

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