Chapter 4

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*Warning possible trigger warning*

Andy's POV

I walked out the flat earlier because I am so mad at Rye and Mikey it can't that bad and they know they can tell me because i'm their best mate, their band mate and we live together what possibly could they be hiding. I decided to go to my secret spot that no one knows about. 

I have been sat here for about half an hour just thinking about the thing with Rye and Mikey. I have also thought about the cuts on my arms a lot. I have tried to get my mind of cutting but I just can't every time I try to think about something else it leads back to my cutting. 

So I decided to stop the thinking by cutting. I grabbed the blade that I always keep in my phone because no one takes my phone case of. I rolled up my sleeve and and thought about it for a second then I cut. I was about to do a second cut but then I heard someone running I looked up to see that it was Rye I panicked because I forgot that I told him about my spot and know someone knows about my cutting.

As soon as Rye saw what I was doing he ran quicker and quicker towards me and when he got to me he grabbed my arms and brought me into a hug to stop me from cutting. I was still in shock that he thought to come here and that I forgot that I told him. When I realized that it was okay that he found out I just bursted into tears and he held me while I was crying for about 10 minutes. We both said nothing and just sat there cuddling.

I was starting to calm down because my crush and best friend was just cuddling me. As I was trying stop myself from crying I could hear Rye sniffling.

"Rye are you crying?" I asked worryingly.

"No i'm just glad your okay" he said trying to cover himself up.

"Come Rye I know your crying and I think I know why i'm sorry about what you saw I've tried to stop but I can't" I said feeling really bad that I made him cry.

"You don't need to say sorry for that it's my fault for not telling you what me and Mikey where talking about it wasn't anything I promise and why did you do this and when did you start?" he asked me very concerned.

"umm... I started about a year ago because I was in so much pain and this was the only way I could handle it, it was like a release of pressure and I kind of like the pain. I'm sorry I always ruin things I get it if you want to kick me out of the band" I responded trying not to cry again because I honestly didn't want anyone to know especially him.

"Awww Fovvs you know you could have told me I care about you and I would never judge you for anything you do and NO I WILL NOT KICK YOU OUT THE BAND I love you Fovvs and would never do anything like that to you" omg he just said he loved me but its probably just in a friend way hes straight I think.

"Omg awww you are so nice I love you too and i'm sorry I did this but I can't stop" I said making sure that he knew I was the reason for this.

"Its okay Andy honestly please try and stop I care about you a lot and seeing you do this to yourself breaks me" he said and hearing him say that makes me wanna stop and try the hardest that i have ever tried.

"Okay Rye I will try my hardest to stop just for you because you mean a lot to me as well" I said making sure that he knew that I meant that.

I actually kind of glad that someone knows about my cutting its like a relief because then I don't have to pretend around him that i'm okay but i'm really not.


So glad that Rye found out about Andy it could be good for him. 

Sorry if this triggered anyone but at the top of each chapter so you all know.

I love you guys


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