Chapter 56

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Soon enough we had finished

It has now been a couple of days since Libby thought of the idea of us all having a joint wedding. Jake and Ethan are on the run. Me, the boys and Libby have told the cops everything and they started a search looking for them both. They heard about it and starting running

It is midday and all of us are just led around the place. I want to get out of the house so, I get up and walk over to Rye who is sat on the sofa playing on the PlayStation.

"Hey, Rye pie?" I said getting his attention.

"Hey, I have not heard that nickname from you in ages," Rye said, "But anyways, you alright?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a triple date, with Libby, Mikey and Jacklyn," I asked.

"Yeah, sure. What did they say?" 

"I haven't asked them yet" I laughed "I will text the group now"

"Okay," he replied as he went back to his game.

I texted the group chat as that would be easier as Mikey Is most probably with Libby and he can just ask her if he approves of going. Soon enough I get a reply from everyone. 

Jack: Me and Brook are up for it x

Mikey: I'm up for it and so is Libby x

Me: Alright cool x

"They all just answered. They're all up for it, but we haven't decided where we are going. They only said yes to going out" I said to my fiance.

"Okay well, maybe we can go to a fancy restaurant this time. We always go to Nando's or a fast-food restaurant it'll be nice for a change" Rye replied to me as he stopped his game and turned it all off. 

"Sure, do you have anything in  mind?" I ask him curious because he doesn't usually do fancy. 

"I do actually. I have always wanted to go to The Seven Park Palace"

"Surprisingly, I have heard of that place before" I smile at him "I'll text the chat and tell everyone know and tell then to dress up for once" I laugh and Rye joins in.

"Sure okay. I will book a table" He says as he moves to get his phone and starts finding the number for the restaurant.

~Time skip because who got energy~

We are about to leave to go to the Seven Park Palace. We are just waiting on Brook as per usual; Rye is just finishing up and putting on deodorant.

"Come on!" Jack shouted. 

As Jack shouted the door opened to the living room and out came Brook. Jack looked gobsmacked and so did Brook if I'm being honest. They both just stood there staring at each other. Well, all I can say is Brook cleans up well. He looks so different.

"Wow!" Brook finally managed to say. 

"I could say the same about you" Jack pauses "You clean up quite well I would say"

"Thank you," Brook says as he goes bright red.

"Okay that's enough awkward flirting or whatever-" Rye was about to say but stops as he meets my eyes "Oh my god!" Rye bites his lip as he looks me up and down. 

"What?" I say to him as I feel my cheeks burning up.

"You just look wow!" Rye could barely speak.

"Thank you, fiance" I smile at him and start walking towards him and stop as I am stood directly in front of him. 

"Wow fiance, I could get used to that" 

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