Chapter 17

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*possible trigger warning*

Andy's POV

"I can't believe that just happened it was so funny" I said still laughing my head of.

"I know so glad that you are a little better now" Brook said smiling at me and resisting to laugh I could see it in his face.

"Yeah and go on laugh I know your dying to Brook" I laughed at him because he was going to explode if he doesn't laugh. All of the sudden he just bursted out laughing. "Feel better now?" 

"Yeah I was going to explode if I didn't laugh"

"I was just thinking that" we all giggled. "Hey Jack are you alright you haven't spoke since we ran away?" I asked Jack he was really quiet for once.

"Yeah sorry I was just watching you both be happy it was nice" he smiled at us both.

"Alright Jack don't get emotional on us" Brook giggled at him while hugging him.

"Awwww" I said while smiling at them both.

"what?" They both said and looked at me in confusion.

"Jacklyn is so real" I giggled. 

"Randy is more real" Jack replied and I just stood their smiling because I was thinking about me and Rye and the kisses.

"You there Andy?" Brook said as he shook me. 

"Yeah sorry I got lost in thoughts"

"About what" they both asked me.

"Oh don't worry" I smiled at them "Well do you want to head back before we get in anymore trouble?" I said so 1 I can avoid telling them and 2 so I can see Rye I really want to see him he's my happiness.

"Yeah I agree" Jack giggled.

"Sure" Brook smiled.

*time skip to back at the apartment*

"Hey Rye hey Mike where back" I shouted as I opened the door.

"Heyy" everyone shouted. It was like it echoed. I walked in to the kitchen/mine and Mikey's room and saw them watching teen wolf. 

"Aw I love this" Brook said in excitement.

"We all do" Jack smiled.

"True" I said as walking out the room to go to the bathroom. I didn't go to the toilet I just wanted to sit down and I looked at my arms. I rubbed my hand against my cuts and the scars. I started getting flashbacks and I hated them wanted to get them out of my head so much that I started waking my head.

I started crying because the flashbacks wouldn't stop. I got my phone out of my pocket and got the blade out. I pulled my sleeves up further and dragged the blade against my skin. 1 cut and I felt relived already I cut again and again until my whole arm was covered in cuts. Then all of the sudden I felt a knock on the door.

"Fovvs you okay? you've been in here for a bit now" Rye said concerned in his soft loving sweet voice.

"Umm..... Yeah i'm fine" I said holding back the tears.

"You sure you know I can hear you sniffling. Your not doing anything stupid are you?" He asked even more concerned now. 

"Umm........ Yes I'm fine okay go away Rye please" I begged him but I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and they just came gushing out like the blood on my arm is.

"Your not Andy let me in" he said. I gave up and just unlocked the door and slid back down onto the floor. He walked in quickly shut and locked the door behind him.

"I'm really sorry Rye" I said to him not able to look him in the eyes and just started sobbing even more now.

"You don't need to say sorry" he said while sitting down next to me and removing the blade from my hand and pulling me into a cuddle. "why did you do it? the boys told me what  happened and it sounded like you had fun? didn't you?"

"Yeah I had fun but my cuts where hurting and it made me want to cut more" I told him while he was still embracing me in a cuddle.

"Oh right but I told you next time you feel like this tell me and I will come straight to you"

"Yeah I know I don't like telling people and plus its really hard to"

"Its okay you can trust" Rye said while looking down at me.

"Yeah I trust you the most" I looked up at him. I knew what was about to happen. Our lips met and we kissed for what felt like forever it was the best feeling.


Sorry that I didn't post yesterday but hopefully this chapter pays up for it. This is the longest I have ever done and this is the longest it has taken me to write one about an 1hr and 30mins.

Hope you enjoyed it x


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