Chapter 57

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3rd POV

It is the day after the night before. The night there lives changed for the better. The night that was their best so far. It's 10 o'clock and Libby and Mikey are just waking up. They slept in the same bed last night as usual. Mikey was the first to wake up. He held Libby close and didn't move in fear of waking her up. He led there watching Libby sleep peacefully. As Libby started to wake up he moved a little so she had room and smiled at her. As she looked up at him she smiled instantly, knowing that this was something that she was going to have to get used to; And she didn't mind it at all. 

"Morning beautiful" Mikey smiled at his better half.

"Morning" Libby smiled back. 

"Did you sleep well?"

"Best sleep I had in ages"

"Good" Mikey smirked at Libby.

While those two carried on their early morning conversation, Jack and Brook were also just waking up. They don't know what has happened yet. They are the only ones that do not know as they did not wake up. Mikey only knows because Libby woke him up when she got back to the house and told him. Jack looked down to face Brooklyn, the love of his life. They both smirked at each other at the same time and giggled because of it.

"Morning" Brooklyn smiled up at Jack.

"Morning, did you hear the noise last night or was it just me?" Jack asked his fiance.

"No sorry. You might have been dreaming it"

"Oh okay. Well, I'm going to get up and get breakfast you coming?"

"Yeah" Brooklyn smiled at him.

As they stood up they slipped on some boxers, as they sleep naked and Brooklyn chucked on of Jack's hoodies on. They opened the door and only heard a murmur of voices so they thought that maybe Rye and Andy was awake but, they didn't want to disturb them so they walked straight into the kitchen.

As they walk in the straightaway saw that Mikey and Libby are awake and then came to the conclusion that the voices the heard this morning was probably them talking.

"Alright love birds?" Jack asks as he giggles. Libby blushes but smiles to reassure them that yes she is okay.

"Yes thank you, but you boys can't say much" Mikey smirks at them as he points at Brook's neck, pointing out the hickey's on his neck.

"Fuck off!" Jack says but grins.

"You guys seem extra happy this morning. Did something happen?" Brook asks the couple on the bed. 

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot you guys don't know yet do you" Libby laughs "Well, we'll wait for the other two to wake up and then we'll all tell you both, ALright?" She tells/asks them.

"Um sure," Jack says as Brooklyn nods in agreement, but they both look at each other with a questioning, suspicious look. 

"Okay, alright" Brooklyn replies. And with that, the two love birds walked into the room.

"Morning everyone," Andy says as he walks in with a massive gin across his face. 

"Morning" everyone replies and they laugh as they all said it at the same time. 

"So, can you guys tell us now what happened and why everyone is so happy, please?" Jack looked at them all. Andy and Rye smirked at them both and then sat down followed by Jack and Brook.

"So?" Brook says and everyone laughs.

Libby, Andy, Mikey and Rye told them both about what had happened that night that changed their lives. They explained that Rye and Libby had followed Andy out that night and hide away from him the whole time and that they were that good at sneaking that Andy didn't notice them. Then they had explained what happened between them all with Jake and Ethan he only then. Mikey didn't do much talking as he wasn't there he only got tod when Libby got home and had explained it to him. 

"So, then after the police had arrested them both all 3 of us were so happy and overwhelmed with so many feelings that we all cried and group hugged," Andy said as they completed the story.

"Oh wow, that is soo like I don't even know how to explain how I feel " Jack answered speechlessly.

"I..I am same. I am so happy that they caught them I could just scream" Brook giggled. 

"Then scream" Rye had said. And with that Brook screamed and so did Jack and then we all ended up screaming in the apartment. They all started laughing when they stopped they had remembered that they had neighbours which made them laugh even more. Once they had calmed down and stopped laughing, Andy had a thought. 

"Wait, how did they know I would be there with those two?" Andy looked around at them all confused.

"Oh yeah, I don't know" Rye replied as Libby smirked. Andy realized her smirk and looked at her confused.

"What you smirking at Libby?" Andy asked her. As he asked her everyone turned to look at her confused.

"It was me" She giggles.

"How?" Rye asks her.

"Well, when I saw that Jake and Ethan was there I knew there would be trouble so without anyone noticing, and well I guess Rye as well, I crawled away around the corner and called the cops. They said they would be there in 5. Which was just in time" She smiles at everyone. 

Andy looked at her happily and grateful and instead of saying thank you he launches himself of off Rye and crashes down on to Libby for a massive hug. It happened so fast that Libby didn't even have time to scream. When he calmed down she was finally able to speak. 

"First of your welcome", she laughs as the others join in laughing "and secondly, umm hi a bit of a warning next time" She laughs and everyone joins in laughing again.

"That was the point" Andy replies as they carry on laughing. 

Having a good time without being on edge for the first time in ages.


Okay firstly, I want to say thank you for reading this and hope you enjoyed it. I will try and post another one soon as I can. 

Secondly, I am sorry that I haven't posted in a while been in a writer's block and college doesn't help either. Sorryyy.

I love you all!

Thanks for all of the support!


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