Chapter 56

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*Possible triggering*

Rye's POV

We have a date. I didn't think that it would be this quick, but it is good. I can not wait to get married to the love of my life. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me by far. I did not think that I and he could not be a thing when I realised that I was gay and that I was in love with one of my best friends. 

My life has had so many ups and downs lately. the ups have been the best parts of my life so far and the downs were the worst times because it was to do with Andy. I have been so worried about him lately with all the stuff that is going on with Jake and Ethan. To be honest I am still worried about him because of what happened last night. What could've he been doing out at that time of night.

I hear a loud bang comes from the kitchen which snaps me out of my thoughts. I stand up in confusion as I get up to go to the kitchen. As I am walking towards the kitchen I can hear people shouting and I can't make out the voices. I open the kitchen door to see the madness as per usual. 

Jack is having a go at Brook and I still don't understand why until I notice there's a fire. It would only be Brook wouldn't.

"What the fuck guys? Instead of arguing why don't you put out the fire!" I shout at the as Libby, Mikey and Andy walk into the room. 

I run over to the fire blanket open it and put out the fire. Andy, Mikey and Libby all look around in confusion.

"What happened?" Andy asked.

"Ask them," I say. 

"No as him" Jack growls as he looks over at Brook.

"I was messing around, I fell over and set stuff on fire by accident. I was only trying to cook bacon to make a sandwich" Brook replied to everyone innocently.

"Only you Brooky" Mikey said as everyone nodded then ended up laughing. Suddenly Brook walked out of the room.

"What's up with him?" Libby asks as she follows him. 

"Just a random question are you and Brook okay?" Andy asked Jack as he stood in the same spot he was in when he walked in. 

"Yeah, it was just him being an idiot and me losing my temper with him as you know he did start a fire" Jack giggled and with that Brook walked back in with Libby in front of him.

"He thought he was being laughed and made fun off so, he walked off. You know Jack this is supposed to be your job, not mine" Libby smirked at Jack.

"Well, I know that. I am sorry Brook for not running after you, I also wasn't making fun of you I never would do that" Jack says as he walks towards him and holds his arms. "I promise I was laughing because of innocent you were and the way you reacted, I was so overwhelmed with cuteness that I just laughed. I love you and would never do anything to hurt you. Yes maybe I'll lose my temper with you, but I lose my temper with everyone okay" Jack smiles at him. 

Brook smiles back and with that, they are kissing. You can feel the sparks coming off them as they are kissing. I wonder if it is like that with me and Andy, I wonder if they can feel the sparks as well because I do.

As they pull apart they both smirk at each other.

"Well if your arguments end up like that I think you'll both be having fun at the end of each argument" Libby smirks at them both. We all giggle at that comment. 

"I agree," I say to them all. 

~Time skip~

It is now night time. I am staying up tonight to see if Andy goes out again. I need to know if he does. I won't follow him because he needs his privacy and I respect that as his fiance, but I do need to know if he goes out again. I get out my phone and text Libby. 

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