Chapter 12

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Rye's POV

I honestly can't believe that I actually convinced Andy to watch a horror he hates them. I wonder why he said yes. Oh well I got him to and no one else could so ha to everyone else. We are about 30 minutes into the film and Andy has got scared only little but every time he has he hugged/cutched into me harder.

*time skip about 1 hour and a half*

Andy is so cute when he is scared but I feel bad for him because he gets scared so easy. Andy seems like he is shaking a little so I bring him in closer to me to make him less scared.

"Thanks Rye"

"Its alright and you know we can watch something else if you want?" I asked.

"Yeah I know but your here so I think i'll be fine"

"Aawww okay i'm glad you feel safe around me because I feel safe around you to Fovvs" I told him while having a grin on my face.

"Yeah of course I feel safe around you because you mean a lot to me and awww your adorable" I love Andy's voice.

"Awww Andy" hes sssoooooo cutteeeeee.

le"What?" he asked a little confused.

"Your just sssssssoooooo cccuuteeeee uuggghhh" I giggled at him.

"Awwwww" I love his smile ugh he's just so perfect.

I smiled at him because of his adorable smile. How can someone this perfect hate him self hes such an amazing person how does he cut? I looked down at Andy and looked at his adorable face and put my hand on his cheek and rubbed it. He looked at me with a smile on his face. I lent in to kiss him because I really wanted to kiss him again. 

As soon as our lips locked again it felt like fireworks was going off. Our lips where moving in sync and it felt so right. God I love this boy so much. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with this amazing perfect loving boy. 

We both pulled away from the kiss and we both smiled at each other knowing that we both felt the same. That we both wanted to be together because it felt so right. I guess I have always had a thing for Andy because even when we where just doing it for the fans I felt more. 

"I love kissing you Rye" Andy said bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"I love it to it just feels so right and perfect" I responded telling the truth.

"Rye i'm getting really tired can we stop watching this and go to sleep?"

"Yeah sure Fovvs do you wanna cuddle?" I asked dying to cuddle with him and just to wake up to his face because its so adorablee.

"Yeahh I would love to" 

"Yaaayyy" I said in excitement as we both giggled "Do you want to get your clothes?" I asked.

"No its fine I will just sleep in boxers i'll be more comfortable then" He said while taking his top and jeans off.

"Okay" I said while doing the same and getting into the bed with him. 

"Night Fovvs"

"Night Rye" he said while drifting off to sleep wow he must have been tired god hopefully I didn't keep him up.

Andy was about to drift of to sleep so I said words I have been wanting to say to him all day as he probably won't hear me "Andy you mean so much to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I wouldn't change you for anything" I said while cuddling into him now that he is asleep.


Hey guys sorry I didn't post one yesterday but hopefully this one makes up for it. 

I hope you like it because there are lots more to come !!



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