Chapter 50

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3rd person

It has now been another hour since Mikey has been with the doctors and they still haven't heard anything from any doctor.

Andy looks over at his cute fiance who has now fallen asleep. Everyone is asleep except for him. Andy thinks that Libby starts stirring and sits straight up.

"What?!? Has anything been said?!?" Libby asked Andy urgently urging for an answer.

"No" Andy sighs "Not yet"

"Ughh how long is this going to take. It shouldn't take this long to tell us news" Libby said as she sat up properly looking around at the other boys still asleep. 

"Excuse me, are you guys with Micheal Cobban?" A doctor asked them as they walked through the hospital waiting room to get to them. 

"Oh my god finally yes we are" Andy replied a little on edge. 

"Well, it was a tuff one because of where he was stabbed, but he's going to pull through" the nurse smiled at them.

"OH MY GAWD YESSS AAAHHHHHHH" Libby screamed which woke the rest of the boys up.

"Thank you so much!" Andy said to the doctor as she walked away. 

"What?!?" Brook said as he launched himself up. 

"He's going to be okay!" Libby screamed and jumped onto Brooklyn to hug him. 

"What's going on?" Rye said as he stood up confused. 

"Rye! Mikey is going to be okay!" Andy answered his fiance in excitement, which immediately turned Rye's face from confused to excitement and relief. 

"Awww my gawd yassss!" Rye screamed. Jack still hadn't woken up as per usual. Libby has now noticed that he's not awake and has decided to change that. 

Libby walked up to Jack and jumped on him and kept poking him until he woke up.

"Ughhh what do you want?" Jack groaned as he opened his eyes to see everyone really happy and relieved. "Wait?!? is Mikey okay?" he said in excitement. All Libby did was a nod back with the biggest smile on her face. "AAHHH YYEESSSS" Jach screamed. 

"Wait ? can we go and see him?" Libby asked Andy as he was the last one to talk to the doctor. 

"I don't know I will ask them if you want me to?" He said as he looked at Libby.

"Yes please" She smiled at him.

Andy walked up to the receptionist desk and looked at the receptionist for her to walk over to him. 

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asked Andy. 

"Hello, uhh Fatima, can me and my friends go and see Micheal Cobban. He just came out of surgery from being stabbed in the stomach?" Andy asked the receptionist Fatima. 

"Oh, yes I think so, I have checked on him a couple of times, honestly he is so lucky to be alive from where he was stabbed, but anyway follow me and get your friends" She said to Andy. 

"Okay thank you, Fatima" Andy smiled at her. 

Andy walked over and grabbed his friends. He walked back over to Fatima and nodded at her so she knows that everyone's there and to walk them to Mikey's hospital room. As they were walking there Jack and Brook were holding hands and Andy and Rye were holding hands. Libby felt left out and Rye could sense that so he grabbed her hand and smiled at her and she smiled back.

They arrived at the room and Mikey was sat up on his bed. As soon as he saw them all he instantly smiled at them all. 

"Well, your a popular one ain't you" Fatima the receptionist nurse said as she smiled at Mikey.

"Yeah aha" Mikey smiled at her. "Thank you Fatima" Mikey smiled at her. 

"No problem" she said as she walked out of the room to leave them to have some privacy.


Sorry it took ages to bring this one out couldn't decide what to do so yeah


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