Chapter 9

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Andy's POV

As me and Rye walked into Rye's and Harvey's room I plonked myself on Rye's bed because one I was tired, 2 I was tired, 3 I just wanted to cuddle with Rye and 4 I don't want to deal with the other boys at the moment. All of the sudden I feel a hand touch shoulder. Obviously it was Rye because he was the only other person in the room.

"You feeling any better Fovvs?" he asked being the concerned Rye that he is.

"Not really Rye but I may feel better later" I sighed.

"Aw okay I guessed that you wanted to stay away from the other boys for the night so you can sleep in Harvey's bed if you want as he is never here anyways but in the mean time what do you want to do in the mean time?" I would rather sleep in your bed with you but oh well.

"Yeah exactly you know me to well" I giggle "And is it alright if we just watch films and cuddle it makes me feel safe and like everything's going to be okay" omg did I really say that to him crap what if that's a sing that I like him more than a friend.

"Yeah sure Fovvs I would really enjoy that actually" he answered smiling at me. Did he just admit that he liked me too. Nahh stop thinking that he would love/like a person like me.

"Okay good uumm I wanna get out of these clothes but I don't want to go into mine and Mikey's room is it okay if I borrow some of your clothes just for now?" I asked but I just wanted to wear one of his jumpers.

"Sure what did you want to change into?" I already know aha.

"Can I borrow one of your jumpers pleassee?" I asked but I knew that he knew that I wanted to wear one of his jumpers I usually do anyways.

"How did I know that you where going to say that here have this one I know its your favorite one" haha he does know me to well but thats thing about me and Rye we know everything about each other.

"Yep you know me" I giggled.

"Yep definitely, so what do you want to watch? we could watch teen wolf?" he asked knowing that we both like that show.

"Sure I love teen wolf" I said happily because I legit love that show.

"Yep I know I will set the projector up now and stick Teen wolf on, on Netflix get comfortable" he said being all caring again. God I love this boy so much.

"Yeah okay" I said.

*time skip 1 hour*

I have had a great time cuddling with Rye. Its been the best time I have had for ages because i'm with Rye cuddling my crush. I know this is weird but I love the smell of Rye and how my body fits perfectly in his even though its probably because I am smaller than him.

"Hey Fovvs?" Rye said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I answered  while looking up at him. Our faces where so close together that I could feel his breath going down my neck.

"I just wanted you to know that I will be here for you no matter what if you ever need to talk just come talk to me or call me and no matter what I will answer. I just want you to know that you are not alone and the rest of the boys are here for you too" I feel so safe and loved right now.

"Awww Rye thank you so much it means a lot me" I said letting him know that it actually does actually care about me.

 We sat there our four heads touching each other and staring into each others eyes. I saw Rye look at  my lips then back at my eyes and he did it again. We both leaned in and we kissed. Our lips moved in sinc with each other. It is a very passionate kiss. I then moved my hand to the back of his neck. 

He moved his hand to the side of my face. We both broke away from the kiss with our four heads touching. We both was staring at each other with the biggest grins on our faces. 

"I liked that a lot" Rye said with a massive grin on his face.

"Me too Rye me too" I cuddled into him again and we carried on watching Teen wolf as if nothing has happened. 

It felt different now. Our cuddle. It felt like we had a connection. Not like the one we had before the kiss its really different but a good different. 


Hey guys sorry that I forgot to post one last night and two today but because I didn't do neither I decided to make Randy kiss. I have been waiting for this moment to. 

Thank you guys for you continuous support.

I love you guys x


Love of my lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon