Chapter 41

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Libby's POV

Mikey walks out and I feel all alone now. Got to admit though this room is really cool. I sit down on one of the beds for a minute just to go over what's happened today. 

So first of I get mugged, which I'm still trying to get my head around. Then I end up at these apartments and no one would help me except Mikey and the boys. Mikey turned out to be a really cute, loving, supportive, fun and much more. Then there's Brook who seems very hyper all the time like Jack so I can see they fit perfectly together. I giggled to myself. Brook and Jack also seem really nice. I don't know much about Rye and Andy but they sound pretty cool.

After all that Mikey and I have spent a lot of time together. He made me food we watched moves, played question answer and my favourite of all time we cuddled. I love his t-shirt as well. It's pretty cool and I bet it smells like him. I pick up the t-shirt and yes it does. I know it's weird, but I love his smell. I yawned and I realized I am so drained so, I get changed and get under the covers of one of the beds and before I knew it I was asleep.

~time skip to 2 am~

 "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed. I woke up from a nightmare. I'm struggling to breathe. All of a sudden the door opens and Mikey enters.

"Oh my god. Lib you okay?" 

"Um" I said while trying to catch my breath "think so it was just a bad dream"

"You sure because you seem to be breathing heavy"

"I have asthma and my pump got taken when I got robbed, that's all" 

"Oh god I'll find one of Andy's" he said as he ran off. He came in minutes later with one of Andy's pumps and gave it to me and I used it.

"Thank you"

"It's okay, pretty lucky then that Andy has asthma" He giggled.

"Yeah" I giggled along with him "it probably got started by the bad dream".

"Come here" he said as he sat on the bed and put his arms out for me to cuddle him.

We sat there for about 10 minutes in silence before he broke it.

"Hey, you okay now?" He asked.

"Yeah thanks to you" I smiled up at him.

"It's okay" he said as he hugged me tighter "well I'll leave you to get some sleep" he said about to move away. 

"Wait" I said as he was about to walk away.

"Yeah?" Mikey said as he looked at me confused.

"Can you stay here tonight and cuddle me please I'm kind of scared and get startled easily" I asked him nervously.

"Of course"

"Thank you" I said as he walked over to the bed.

He got under the covers and I cuddled into his side and he wrapped his arms around me and I loved it.

"Night Libby sweet dreams"

"Night Mikey you too" 

And before I knew it I fell back asleep cuddled up with Mikey.


Sorry I haven't posted. Had writer's block and sorry it's short.


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