Chapter 53

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3rd POV

The boys and Libby have just posted the video. Andy and Rye are in their room where as the rest of the boys and Libby are in the living room watching a horror called Ougi. Andy and Rye didn't go in because Andy doesn't like horrors.

As Jack, Brook, Libby, and Mikey sit there watching the film, Brook gets a text. He looks at his phone and see that the text is off of Fatima.

Fatima-Hey, do you guys want to hangout sometime ?

Brook-You can come over now if you like, me, Libby, jack and Brooklyn are watching a horror film and Andy and Rye are in there room as Andy hates horrors

Fatima-Sure, I am free I'll be over in a about ten minutes.

Brook-Okay, see you them. 

"Hey, guys" Brook says as they all look at him waiting for a response "Fatima is coming over in about 10 minutes she was bored and wondered if she could" Brook smiles at them. 

"Okay" Mikey smiles as he turns around and the rest of them smile and nod at him. Brook stands up. 

"Where you going?" Jack asks him.

"Just going to tell Andy and Rye about Fatima" Brook says as he walks out. 

Brook knocks before he walks into the room because you never know what they could be doing in there.

"Come in" Rye shouted.

Brook opens the door and smiles "It's just me, I just come in to say that Fatima will be coming over in about 10 minutes she said" 

"Oh okay that's alright" Rye says.

"Yeah" Andy says in agreement. 

"Okay I will tell you when she arrives" Brook says to them as he leaves the room. 

He walks back onto the living room and carry's on watching the film. The next think every hears is the doorbell.

"I will get it" Libby says as she gets up. 

She walks up to the door and opens it to see Fatima stood there.

"Hey" Libby says as she stands out of the way to let her in. 

"Hiya, didn't expect to see you here" Fatima smiles.

"I think I kind of live here now" Libby giggles.

"Ah right, at least it won't be awkward with me being the only girl" Fatima giggles a little.

"Tryst me its not awkward when you are the only girl, it's quite fun actually to see how boys work together" She giggles a little "especially these boys"

"Ah right" Fatima smiles at Libby.

"It is actually quite nice to talk to a actual female for once and not with some loony boys all the time" Libby giggles which then Fatima joins in. 

They finally start to make their way to the living room. They stop and Rye's room.

"I'll just tell Andy and Rye you're here" Libby smiles at her. 

Libby knocks on the door and walks in. "Fatima's here" Libby smiles at the boys.

"Okay we will be out now" Rye smiles.

"Wait turn the film off" Andy says as Libby walks away laughing. 

They both walk into the living room and is greeted by smiles of off everyone.

"Hey" they all say at the same time which makes them laugh.


sorry its short running out of ideas


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