Chapter 7

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*possible trigger warning*

Andy's POV

While me and Rye where sitting there I was thinking about what he just said to me. I can't believe that he was blaming himself for my cutting. Why would he think that everything is my fault not his. I was getting kind of cold so I wanted to start walking back to the apartment.

"Hey Rye" I asked being a little shy for some unknown reason.

"Yeah Fovvs" he responded making sure that i was okay.

"I am getting kind of cold so can we start walking back to apartment please?" I asked still being a little shy I honestly don't know why I am.

"Yeh sure and Fovvs you don't need to ask just say" he said back to me being all nice as per usual. 

"Okay" I said kind of awkwardly.

There was some awkward silence on the way back to the apartment. I don't think anything has changed between me and Rye. Well I hope so because Rye means so much to me and if anything would change between us I would be really sad.

"Hey Fovvs your staring at me again" Rye giggled at me.

"Oh god sorry I was thinking and I didn't realize because I was in deep thought" I said being truthfully to him. God I can't believe I was staring at him again aahhh I need to try and stop for sure.

"Its alright mate. What was you thinking about?" ah I don't know whether to be honest with him ah I will its Rye after all.

"Well because there was awkward silence between us I was thinking that something has changed between us because of my cutting and I hope nothing has. Nothing has, has it?" I asked hoping that he would say no.

"Oh my god not at all mate nothing will ever make me judge you no matter what you've done or are doing. Nothing has changed about us" I am so glad nothing has changed between us.

"Okay good I was scared then because I didn't want us to loose the good connection we have" wait did I just admit that I like him. Oh god hopefully not, I don't think I did.

 "We didn't don't worry Fovvler" wait did he just agree which means he likes me too no because I don't think it came out that way anyway. He wouldn't like me what am I thinking look at him then look at me. A person like him won't like a person like me. I wish I could be with him but I know that it will never happen.


Awww Andy don't think like that. You may just have a chance.

Thanks for all the support i'm getting. Like I said I will try and update every night but its a bit hard that I am at school aswell but I will stay up late if I have to, to post.

I love you guyss


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