Chapter 47

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3rd person POV

Jack suddenly awoke from a nightmare. He immediately looked over at Brook to see if had waken him up. He didn't.

He felt firstly so Jack carefully got out of the bed successfully without waking up Brook, which is really hard because he's a light sleeper, and went to the kitchen to get some water.

He quietly walked through the corridor, past Rye's room and got to the door he needed to get to. He opened the door and stood there in aww.

He looked over at Mikey's bed and saw him and Libby cuddling together peacefully asleep; as if the rest of the world did not exist.

Jack stood there for a couple of minutes just watching them sleep peacefully and thought about how everyone around him is falling in love.

There's Rye and Andy. Which he has to admit is really cute together and happy that they got engaged. Then there's Mikey and Libby, who have had a strong connection since they met.

Then there's him and Brook. Jack smiles at the thought if his boyfriend. He loves him so much and he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with him. He snaps out of his thoughts and carrys on getting his drink.

He heads back to his and Brooks room to see that he is still asleep. He climbs back into bed with him and falls asleep instantly next to the person he loves and cares about the most.

~Time skip to 9:00 in the morning~

Andy is starting to wake up. He looks next to him to see his now fiance peacefully asleep. He still can't get over what happened yesterday. He did not expect that to happen, but he loved it.

Rye starts stirring, so Andy kisses him and Rye instantly reacts. Rye knew it was Andy just by his lips. Rye new him so well that he could spot him with his eye's closed and all that he could do was hold his hand.

They pull away from the kiss and they both instantly smile at each other. Rye's eyes are now open and he loves his view of sleepy Andy with messy hair.

"Morning fiance" Andy says to Rye with the biggest smile on his face.

"Morning to you too babyboy" Rye smiles back at Andy "You okay?"

"Yeah, better than ever" Andy replied to his boyfriend soon to be husband "You?"

"Aw and yeah I'm amazing" Rye said to Andy as they smirked at each other.

"Let's go and get some breakfast" Andy said to Rye as they both got up.

Andy and Rye both walked into the kitchen. The first thing they both saw was Libby and Mikey laughing and having a lot of fun.

"Aw you guys are so cute together" Rye said as he stared at them in awww.

"Thanks mate" Mikey replied to Randy as Libby cuddled into him out of embarrassment. 

"Aww don't be shy babe" Mikey said to Libby as she cuddled into him more.

"You know I'm really shy" Libby said as she was drawing shapes on the back of Mikey's hand.

"Yeah I do" Mikey giggled.

"Aww you two are adorable together" Andy smiles at them as Rye picks him up playfully "Ahh no put me downn" Andy screamed but was giggling.

"Says you two" Mikey giggled.

Rye put Andy down but didn't stop there. Rye started tickling Andy and they both ended up on the floor. Andy was trying to stop Rye and the other was not going to stop.

Andy kept screaming until an idea popped up in his head. He fought against Rye to get to his face. Andy then cupped Rye's face with his hand and leaned in. Rye immediately stupid doing what he was doing and lent in as well.

Their lips met and they kissed each other passionately while Libby and Mikey say they cuddling on shock.

They finally pulled apart because of loss air. They smiles at each other and giggled.

"Well then" Mikey said as all four of them laughed.

"That was event full" Andy said as everyone nodded in agreement.

Rye had just finished making breakfast. He ended up making Mikey and Libby some as well.

We all sat there in silence eating the food while enjoying each others presence.


Sorry I haven't posted in ages nut had a really bad writers block still do but was still able to write this short chapter.

Love love you guys 💙


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