Chapter 46

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Andy's POV

"I'm sorry. I just can't. I am so sorry Rye. I need to think about this. I do love you, but it's just complicated" I say as I look down at him and he looks so broken. 

"W.what do mean A..Andy" He looks at me with pain in his eyes. Everyone is now looking at us. They are all looking really sad and sorry for Rye.

"Rye I'm joking. OF COURSE, I'LL MARRY YOU 100% YES!" I smile at him as I see him sigh in relief. Everyone around us starting screaming in excitement and happiness for us.

"Oh my gawd you proper scared me then I love you Andrew Robert Fowler" Rye says with tears in his eyes.

"Aww don't cry or I'm going to cry. I love you too Ryan Leonard Beaumont" I say as we both lean in and we share a very long and passionate kiss. We pull apart and everyone started yelling at us saying

 "Get some!" said everyone. Me and Rye just giggle at there responses.

"Right, now Libby you can answer Mikey" Andy giggled at me.

"So, will you Libby?" Mikey asks again nervously. Libby smiles once again and goes to speak. 

"YES! OH MY GOD YES!" Libby says. Libby jumps up and wraps her legs around Mikey who catches her and they hug.

POP! Is all I hear. Libby jumps down and holds Mikey's hand. I look over to Rye who have just popped open a bottle of champagne.

"Congratulations" Mikey says to me and Rye.

"Aw thanks mate you too" Rye says.

"Yeah, thank you and congrats to you too bud" I reply to him.

"Thanks, both of you" Mikey answers me and Rye.

"Congratulations, to both of you and hope your both ready for the journey ahead of you two" Libby smiles at me and Rye.

"Yeah, I definitely am ready. Thank you and Congrats to you too" I say to her. 

"Yeah, I am too. 100%. Yeah, congratulations to you too" Rye says.

"Thanks, both of you" She smiles at us.

"Wait, Jack and Brook where'd they go?" I say and everyone looks around and they've disappeared.

"I don't know" Rye says and Libby and Mikey nodded in agreement.

"I'll go see" I say to them as I walk off. 

I walk down the hallway and hear sniffling. I walk into the Jacklyn room and see them both crying.

"what's happening here? Why you both crying?" I ask them in confusion.

"I'll speak for the both of us" Jack says between sobs and I nod waiting for him to continue "Mikey asking Libby out and Rye proposing to you was too much cuteness and adorableness and we started crying and we didn't want anyone to know so we came here"

"Aww boys that's just adorable. You didn't have to hide I was about to cry and Rye was. By the way I'm telling them this. Byeeee" I say as I walk out letting them calm down.

I walk back into the room that the rest of the boys and Libby are in. They all look towards me and wait for an answer.

"They where both overwhelmed with the cuteness and adorableness of Mikey asking Libby to be his girlfriend and Rye proposing to me that they ended up crying and didn't want people to know so I told you guys anyway" I giggled.

"Aww they are both just so emotional" Rye says and we all nod in agreement.

Jack and Brook have just walked back into the room holding each others hand.

"Hey" Brook says shyly.

"Don't worry we won't judge, it's normal to cry over stuff like this right guys" Rye says while everyone nods in agreement.

"Yeah, like I said boy's, I nearly cried and Rye nearly did and I bet you that Mikey is nearly crying as you know.he is very emotional and probs nearly Libby as well. Okay, so don't feel judged" I say to reassure them. (I was crying😂)

"Okay, thanks boys" Brook says smiling at us all.

"LET'S CELEBRATE AND GET DRUNK!" Mikey shouts and everyone laughs.

"YEAH WHOOO" Rye screams. I giggle and his actions. Wow I am so ready to spend the rest of my life and more with this amazing guy.

Jack puts on the music and everyone starts dancing. We are having such a great time already.

~Time skip to the last song~

"Everyone grab there partners for this last song" Libby shouts as she puts on a song for everyone to slow dance to with there partners.

Libby is obviously with Mikey, Jack and Brook then, me and Rye.

I looked up into Rye's eye's and he's looking right back into mine. His eye's can't wait to wake up every morning to those.

"Rye?" I say.


"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I can't wait to make a family with you and wake up every morning and look into those eyes of yours. You are everything a that I've dreamed of in a boy and much much more. You are the most perfect and sexy boy I know. I will love you with everything in me and more till the day I die and longer. You mean everything to me" I say while staring into his eyes. He looks like he's about to cry awww. "Don't cry" I smile at him.

"How can I not cry at that" we both giggle "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you either. I can't wait to wake up every morning to your beautiful, handsome face and you voice. I could listen to your voice all day and it would still give me butterflies. Every time someone says your name I look to see if I can see you around. Whenever you text me my face lights up. You've made my life much brighter and happier by just being in it and existing. You are the most perfect guy I've ever met and I'm so glad to call you mine. I will love you with everything in me and more till the day I die and longer too" he says back to me. Great noe I'm crying.

He sees that I am about to cry and pulls me into the most passionate kiss we've ever had. I feel sparks flying of and butterflies in my stomach.

We both pull away from the kiss. We lean our foreheads on each others. We both open our eye's and smile.

We turn around to look at the others in tears and Libby recording it.

"Aww guy's" Rye says still crying a little, like me.

"Sorry it was just so adorable" Jack says and everyone nods in agreement (again).

"Don't say sorry for crying god" I say giggling a little and everyone else joins in.

We stopped laughing and Rye yawned.

"Aww you tired baby?" I ask Rye.

"Yeah" Rye says while nodding.

"Right guys where of to bed night love you all" I say dragging Rye by his arm to his bedroom.

"Love you" we get back from everyone.

We arrive to his bedroom. Rye strips down to his boxers and I borrow one of his t-shirts as they are oversized on me.

I get into the bed next to him and I cuddle up with him as he wraps his arms around my waist protectively.

"Night babyboy I love you" Rye says.

"I love you too" I say back as I fall asleep next to the love of my life.

So Randy's engaged and Mibby is official.

Am I the only one who cried at this chapter? Yeah okay only me 😂.

Anyways thanks for all the support it means a lot to me. I love you KiKi's army 💙


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