Chapter 40

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Mikey's POV

"Hey, Libby?" I say to her. 


"Do you want to play question answer. I'll look up for the questions"

"Sure" She said and as she said it I grabbed my phone and searched up questions.

"Okay, ready?" I asked as we both sat up and faced each other.


"First question is what skill do you master?" I asked her. 

"Um I am pretty good at playing the guitar"

"Oh mt god! really"

"Yeah" she giggled at my reaction.

"Well you may not know this, but us boys live together because we're a band called Roadtrip and Andy who as you know is not here at the minute plays the guitar" I smiled at her.

"Awesome and you didn't think to tell me you guys are in a band?" she giggled.

"Yeah and it didn't really cross my mind to tell you"

"Aw okay I guess you master singing then"

"Yeah" I smiled at her. 

"Okay, next question"

"Okay, the next question is what is the most heartwarming thing that you have ever seen?"

"Oh I love really cute dogs and gay couples can be really cute" she giggled.

"Oh my god, same. Dogs and gay couples are the most heartwarming and cute things ever and you've come to the right place"

"What do you mean" she giggled.

"Well jack and Brook are a couple which I guess you already know and Andy and Rye are a couple but the fans don't know yet but those are the ships they ship the most as well so yeah"

"Ayee, I am going to love staying here and hate it when I leave" She giggled. Oh yeah, she has to leave. "Next question"

"Okay, What is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you?"

"Umm it has to be meeting you and the other 2 boys and I bet the other 2 as well when I get to meet them. Well, not the robbing part and you?" She giggled.

"Aww and yeah obviously" I giggled "And well yeah it has to be meeting you as well" I smiled at her and she blushed.

"Aw thanks" She said shyly. I pulled her into a cuddle and she stayed there laying her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

I check the time and its getting pretty late it's 12:30.  Honestly, Libby is so cute and I love the way she acts. She's just so amazing. All of a sudden the door opened which knocked me out of my thoughts.

"Heyy" Jack said really hyper. He always is, to be honest.

"Hey" I said. 

"Hi" Libby answered quietly. Jack looked over at us and smirked.

"Aww" Jack said.

"What?" Libby said. Wow. I was surprised she actually spoke she seems really shy.

"You two would be such a cute couple no lie. Wait until Andy and Rye see you two together they'll both go crazy" He giggled and I just smirked. I looked down at Libby and she didn't notice that I was looking at her, but she was blushing up and I have to admit it was really cute.

"Well thank you" I smile at both Jack and Libby.

"It's alright well I'll go now" Jack said.

"Oh, did you want something?" I asked him confused because he didn't get anything.

"No, I just wanted to see what you two where doing" Me and him giggled with Libby still in my arms and I'm not complaining, I love it.

"Okay bye then" I said.

"Byeee" Jack shouted as he walked out of the door.

"Is he always that hyper?" Libby giggled. Aw her giggle is so adorable.

"Yeah" I laughed along with her.

"Well then, I can tell I'm going to have a lot of fun while I'm here" She said while still laughing. God this girl is so gorgeous. 

"Yeah and it's getting late and I'm really tired I'm going to go to bed" I said as I smiled at her.

"Okay and um do you have anything I could wear please because I don't have any clothes"

"Sure" I said and grabbed one of my t-shirts to give her. "Here" I smiled at her. 

"Thank you um where am I sleeping"

"You can sleep in Rye and Harvey's room neither of them are here I show you the room"

"Okay" She said as we both stood up. 

I walked her to the room and we both just in the room awkwardly until I spoke up.

"Okay well night" I said about to walk away but she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you so much, Mikey, it means a lot to me. Thank you for helping me." She said still in the hug.

"It's okay Libby" I smiled, but then remembered she can't see my face. 

She pulled away from the hug.

"Night Mikey"

"Night Libby" I said as I walked out of the door and shut it.


Hope you enjoyed it


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