Chapter 45

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Mikey's POV

I have just woke up from watching films from last night. I was going over what happened then I remembered that me and Libby kissed yesterday. I can't believe it I actually kissed her. I didn't think that I would actually get the courage to kiss her. 

I start blushing and I realise that I really like her. A lot. She's so amazing and her personality is just perfect. I really want to call her mine and get to see her every day. All of a sudden a brilliant idea pops into my head. I get up and get dressed and walk into the Randy room. They are both awake and look up at me. 

"Hey, boy's I need your help with something" I say to them.

"Sure" Andy said.

"What do you want help with Mike?" Rye asked me.

"Okay. Don't tell anyone though because they'll probably end up telling someone" I say as I see them nod gesturing that they won't spill any tea (what have you done to be mel lol) "So, basically I want to ask Libby to be my girlfriend and I want it to be really special and memorable"

"We can help with that" Rye says and we all laugh. 

"So we need to make a plan" Andy implies. 

"Yeah we do, but first of we need a distraction to get her out of the house and I thought that Abdy you could take her out and show her around or go for some food or the trampoline park" I say while looking at Andy. 

"Yeah sure, I'll take her to the trampoline park for an hour then I will suggest that we should get some food or something" Andy says. 

"Yeah, that's a good idea" Rye says "While Andy distracts Libby, the rest of us will decorate the Mindy room slash kitchen slash living room slash clothes drying room" We all giggle.

"Yeah, that's actually a good idea. Also, while we are doing that I will come up with a cringy ass speech to say before I ask her. Thank you boy's" I say smiling at them both. 

"It's alright mate and just wondering are you doing it today?" Rye asks me.

"Yeah, I am if that's okay?" I look at them both with a questioning face. 

"Yeah, it's great actually" Rye smiles at me. I wonder what he means by that.

"Yeah, it is" Andy says. 

"Good" I say "Both of you get ready and Andy tell slash to ask Libby okay" 

"Yeah, I will now" Andy says.

"Will do" Rye says.

"Alright bye, boy's" I say as I walk out of the room. 

I walk back into my room and see that Libby is now dressed. I walk over to my bed and go on my phone while I wait for Andy to come and ask Libby. 

After another 5 minutes, Andy walks in and walks over to Libby.

"Hey, Lib do you want to go to the trampoline park today?" Andy asks Libby.

"Yeah sure when do you want to leave?" She answers him. 

"Let's say in about 10 maybe 15 minutes?" He looks at her for reassurance. 

"Sure" she smiles at him "Is it just us two or any of the other boys coming?" 

"Brook is coming as well" Andy replies. Great idea. I thought. If Brook found out he would probably end up texting her about it.

"Okay cool see you in ten then" He smiles at her while walking out.

"Hey Mikey?" She looks at me. 

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