Chapter 13

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Andy's POV

"Aaahhhhh" I screamed and jumped up.

"Everything okay Fovvs? You okay?" Rye asked concerned.

"Yeah it was just a bad dream"

"Oh right sorry if it was from the film?"

"No I don't think so, so don't be sorry Rye pie"

"Okay wait did you just call me Rye pie?" he asked while yawning. 

"Yeah um sorry if you don't like it do you?" I asked.

"No I love it actually so call me it" he said while smiling at me.

"Okay good because I love it to" I smiled back at him.

"Okay yayy"

"Haha Rye pie can we cuddle up again and go sleep because I am still really tired and sorry that i woke you up from me screaming and moving"

"Yeah sure Fovvs and don't be sorry you don't have to be it wasn't your fault" he said reassuring me.

"Okay night Rye pie"

"Night Fovvs" he said while cuddling into me and we both drifted of back to sleep.

*time skip to morning*

I woke up and Rye was lying next to me playing with my hair and my gawd I loved it. When he realized that I was awake he looked at me and smiled. His smile is so cute that I had to smile I couldn't not smile.

"Morning Rye pie" I smiled at him and he smiled because of the pet name.

"Morning Fovvs you feeling better now?" he asked a little concerned. 

"Yeah I had the best night thanks to you it was amazing" I smiled at him.

"Okay that's good and i had an amazing night to" Rye said while getting out his phone to go onto Instagram.

"You going to look through dms or tagged posts?" I asked wondering what he was doing.

"No i'm going to post a picture of me and you on the story with the caption morning cuddles with fovvler" 

"Awww I love it i'm down" I said.

"Good" Rye said as he was positioning the phone. We cuddled back into each other so he could take the photo and he took it. I stayed cuddled into him because he was warm and to be honest I was loving it. I watched him post the photo.

"The Roadies are going to go crazy" I giggled at him. 

"Yeah I know" he said while giggling along with me. We both looked into each others eyes and smiled. We both cuddled into each other and we led their. Rye was playing with my hair again and I don't mind because I love it so much.


Heyy again guys I hope you really like this chapter and sorry if it is a bit bad my mind was totally blank lol. Plus sorry if it short.

I got Rye to play with Andy's hair because 1 I absolutely love people play with my hair and 2 I thought it would be cute. 

I love you guys thanks for all the support xx


Love of my lifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang