Chapter 6

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*possible trigger warning*

Rye's POV

I hated to see Andy like that I can't believe hes felt like that for at least a year. I'm such a bad friend I should have been there for him but I wasn't. How didn't I notice I see and speak to him everyday and even when he would where long sleeve tops or hoodies in the summer how did I not know. Its all mt fault. I didn't know and if I knew then maybe he would have stopped now its my fault.

 All these thoughts that are going through my head is making me cry I am crying but trying to hide it from Andy because I don't want him to know that I am blaming myself because he would feel like it was his fault. All of the sudden Andy spoke.

"Rye are you crying?!?" he asked concerned about me. 

"No i'm not" I say back trying to fight back the tears. Then Andy pulls away from the cuddle to look at my face.

"Rye I can see your face and I know you that you are trying not to cry why are you crying? Is it because of me?" he asked me. I knew he was going to blame himself.

"Okay the truth is I know this is my fault you and your cutting its my fault because I should have noticed its all my fault. If I knew you would have stopped by now and how didn't I know your my best mate its mt fault that you still are cutting" I said trying to hold back all the tears but they just started flooding out. Andy pulled me into a hug.

"Hey its not your fault okay i'm just really good at hiding it and I honestly didn't want anyone to no so don't you dare blame yourself because its not your fault I love you Rye so don't you dare blame yourself" he replied being all caring and loving. 

"Okay thanks Fovvs and I love you too and if you ever feel like doing this again just come and talk to me you know that i'm always here for you and I would never judge you no matter what you do or say okay?" I responded making sure he knew that I really did care about him.

"Awww thanks Rye and I will if I can because its hard to tell someone but if its you it might be easier" I wonder what Andy means by that its me that found out.

"Okay good" not wanting to ask that question just yet.

We sat there for ages just cuddling and having a nice peaceful time before we go back to flat because the boys are really loud. Its quite nice actually because you don't get much peace with the boys around and to be cuddling with Andy is another plus side. 


Hey guys sorry if its a short chapter but i'm a bit dizzy and typing was making me more dizzeir but I didn't want to miss a chapter becuase I love you guys.

see you on the flip side!


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