Chapter 5

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Jack's POV

I feel bad for Andy. Brook just told me what happened as I have been sleeping all day because I haven't been getting much sleep lately and I don't know why. I hope Andy is okay I really do care about him. Wait Rye has been gone for ages I hope that Andy's okay i'm going to ask Brook if he has heard anything.

As I walked into the Mindy room to ask Brook I saw that he dozed of on the sofa with Mikey while watching Riverdale so I paused Netflix and decided to scare the qrap out of them both. I walked quietly over to the sofa and screamed.


"Why the heck would you do that Jack you know I get startled easily?" Brook screamed back at me.

"Because its sssssooooo funny you should have seen your faces Mikey you alright you haven't said anything since I scared you?" I asked concerned.

"Ummm yeah i'm okay just still in shock" he replied making sure that there was nothing wrong.

"okay good" I said in relief. 

"Goooddd" Brook also said in relief.

"Well I only woke you up to ask if you have heard anything from Rye or Andy because they have been gone for about an hour and a half maybe two hours?" I asked very concerned because they shouldn't take that long.

"I dunno I will check my phone now" He answered while getting up to get his phone from our room.

"Are you sure your alright you seem a bit off Mikey?" I asked still a little concerned.

"Yeah I am thanks Jack I just had a odd dream thats all" he said a little gone out.

"Okay as long as your sure Mate" I said back.

"Hey I just checked my phone and no I haven't heard anything but i'm sure that everything's okay though" Brook said while sitting down on Andy's bed.

"Yeah i'm sure everything is as well just wanted reassurance you know" said.

"Yeah I get you and don't worry everything will be okay there probably just talking you know what there like when they start talking" Mikey said to make sure I am not that worried about them.

"Yeah thanks Mike and Brook" I said because I really did mean it.

"Its alright mate" Mikey said.

"Yeah Jack anytime" Brook replied.

"Awwww" I felt really loved and appreciated at this moment I love my best friends a lot.


Hey guys surprise another chapter. I got bored so I decided to write on earlier and write one now. I also realized that I haven't really brought Brook and Jack into this book so i'm trying to do that more sorry if i don't my mind keeps focusing on the Randy part and nobody else.



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