chapter 29

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Jack's POV

I just woke up and Brook was on the play station playing Fortnite. He was getting kind of angry and I thought it was cute. I sat there for a minute watching him get a little angry now and then and getting all happy whenever he actually got a kill.

"Hey babe" I smiled at him while he turned around and glanced at me then turned back to his game.


"You love the game more than me do you?" I giggled then kind of pouted at him.

"No of course not I obviously love you more" he turned around and smiled at me while putting his controller down and cuddled into me. 

"Yayyyy" I giggled. 

knock. knock. knock.

"Come in" I shouted.

"Hey boys" it was Mikey.

"Hey" Brook replied.

"Hi" I said.

"Come see this boys" He smiled while walking off and me and Brooklyn following him. 

MIkey opened the door to the Rarvey room and Rye and Andy where cuddling. Andy had his head in the crook of Rye's neck and Rye held him to his chest with his arms around him like he was protecting him.

"Aww there always been very cute and intimate with each other. They're always like that with each other" I giggled.

"I agree" Brook said.

"Same here" Mikey replied.

Then I went and shut the door closed to leave them alone and give them privacy.

"Heyy" Brooklyn pouted. 

"Just giving them some privacy and making sure you don't wake him up with your loud mouth" I giggled.

"I don't have a loud mouth" Brook said.

"You do" Mikey giggled.

"I don'tttt" Brook whined. 

"Fine you don't" I giggled. 

I walked into the kitchen to get food and Mikey and Brook followed me. I went to the bread because I was going to make toast for me and Brook. Brook and Mikey are sat on the sofa and Mikey just turned the TV on and put Netflix on. All of a sudden my toast popped out of the toaster and it was done. Then the door opened and Rye and Andy walked in all sleepy.

"Alright boys?" I giggled at how sleepy they where.

"Yeah" Rye yawned.

"Yep" Andy said while plonking himself on the sofa.

"What you'd do last night after?" Mikey asked while I was walking over to the sofa and sat down.

"We did exactly what Mikey said Andy went to bed and I did editing" Rye had answered.

"Oh right" I giggled.

"what?" Andy said. I looked at Mikey and smiled.

"We saw" I paused "the both of you cuddling in Rye's bed I know you dating" I giggled. Rye and Andy looked at each other and Rye nodded at Andy.

"Yeah we are we decided to see how long it took you all to notice Mikey was the first, then you Jack and Brook" I giggled.

"OMG RANDY IS REALLL" Brook screamed and Andy and Rye giggled. Then Mikey looks at me and Brook. 

"Brook and Jack have something to tell you" Mikey screamed and smirked at us both.

"Spit it out boys" Rye said.

"Me and Jack are dating" Brook smiled.

"Yes gowan boys" Rye replied.

"Congrats boys" Andy smiles at us while getting up "I'm going to get changed come with Rye?" Andy asked him.

"Sure" he says as they both walk out the room.

"I'm going toilet expect me to take a while I'm taking shit" Mikey giggled as he walked out the room. 

"Its just the two of usss" Brook sings. 

"Oh shut up" I giggle while going to him to cuddle up to him. He looks down at me and looks at my lips and back at my eyes.

I know what he wants so I lean in and he does the same. As soon as our lips touch fireworks explode and I know this is who I want to kiss and have for the rest of my life. He kisses me passionately and I kiss him back. He breaks of and looks into my eyes and smiles.

"I like that" he says.

"Me to" I smile "A lot"


Sorry it took ages to get out but I couldn't be bothered to be honest with you. Big chapter tonight.


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