7. Drool Over the Artist

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Chapter 7

Drool Over the Artist


Kelsey - Metro Station blurs in the background as I try to concentrate on Trigonometry which thank god, is easy. It's one of the few songs that give me this shiver, I can't explain it... it's a good shiver. Naughty shiver? I don't know, but heck... it feel's 'mm'.

A little calculating typing here, a little own knowledge there, with a little writing down and nodding in approval. I sigh neatly putting my homework in a folder, but it wouldn't budge so I just stuffed it in. I blew a little hair off my face as I groaned, there's geography homework too... friggen screw depths of waves and how to stop them with sand nourishment and, blah blah bla-

Big fingers poked my sides, very big making that overwhelming ticklish yet uncomfortable feel in my ribs, making me jump up and cry out loud "Fubba doodle bish! Fork YEW!" I crawl in a bawl repeating "Stahp it, stahp it, stahp it!" Like some baby saying 'Nu, I want cookies!' which by the way, I'm craving for right now.

I heard his deep giggle as he began tickling me and trying to get under my protected arms. Friggen Jace and his ways, I'm about to karate jump him, Bruce Lee style. I growled and glared, moving to the side and kicking his leg making him fall. 17 hours straight of Tekken does come in handy.

I stood up with a grin, dusting off my hands with a mental job well done. He looked up grinning like a fool with an evil look; I gave him a questioning look as I went to walk past him. But that did it; he swooped my legs back and made me back land near the chair making me groan from the sudden pain and drop. I closed my eyes rolling around, "Quick, grab my remedy, I need energy or I can't go on with the mission! Abort Abort!"

He ran down in a rush, and came up with 6 packs of chocolate chip cookies. Jace rushed to my side, leaning my back against his legs and stuffing a few cookies in my mouth. "Captain, can you hear me? Have you survived?"

I heavily coughed and wearily looked at him, "I have survived Sargent, but I be damned if I don't have another dose" He stuffed another in my mouth as I savoured the taste of heaven, mm need some milk with this. He helped me get up and smirked.

"I won baby girl, and there's nothing you can do about it"

"Oh please, I could do heaps, it would just be sad as hell if I don't have a best friend by the end of the day. I mean... who will hold my school bag and get me cookies when needed? Who will be my punching source if there isn't a punching bag in sight, which will be my pillow when I'm tired and need a cuddle?"

He smiled a little, "But then again, Mr. Goddess is always an option." And then his smiled vanished, quick as a flash. He sat down rubbing his face mumbling something under his breath; he looked up at me with a worried look. "You really like him, don't you?" I bit my lip, shaking my head.

I mean... I didn't know? I just met him? Okay yeah we have been spending a lot of time together but it didn't mean anything. Okay yeah, he is quite a piece to look at but it doesn't mean I want more. And okay... yes he is absolutely intriguing, not meaning I want anything additional to what we have now?

He stood up gathering me in his arms, kissing my head. "I just don't want you hurt okay? I just have a bad vibe about him" I chuckled cuddling into his chest.

"You have a bad vibe about everyone, which is kind of why I haven't had my first kiss yet"

Jace groaned wrapping his arms around my waist "I prefer it you single, so I can have you forever and ever!"

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