33. You Chose the Right One

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Chapter 33

You Chose the Right One


Lay Here - Hello Vegas

Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift (Play when Jace comes in)


I gawked at him slowly retrieving my hands back to my lap and gulping 10 pounds of spit.

Skye what should you do right now?

Well I have the attractive options of

#1 Run like a crazy person the next 7 blocks

#2 Slapping him, then laughing, then running again.

#3 Running back inside, locking the door with the chain and other hidden locks then hide in Jace's cuddles.

#4 Run to the side of the house and somehow climb up to my room.

#5 Bolt to the nearest convenient store and lock myself there for the next 5 months. After all, there is cookies.

#6 Track to the airport, take the first plane that comes and ships off. And if it ends up being Hawaii, well then, be it.

I inside snorted at my disastrous options, since they all include running. The fact I actually thought running was an option in the first place? Hilarious.

I resumed back to the reality which I really didn't want to come back to. Dustin's eyes were red from lack of sleep and a plead in them were vacant.

Times like this, I wish my soul left my body and enjoyed a nice holiday in somewhere exotic, Bora Bora? Meet someone striking. Get married. Have 10 huskies. Get a beach house. Complete my bucket list. Try every single cookie dessert ever invented and NOT gain sumo-ness. Miraculously lose weight and be healthy for once. Be good at something then make that a living. Have a fun living. Have a good pay. Lots and lots of sexy scenes with Mr Striking. Grow old and have babies. Be elderly and stare at the sunset with my beloved and finally when I'm about to doze off to death.

I get back here.

I'm sure I'll be very mature by then, older, and more advanced but recommenced to 17 year old Skye.


I'll know what to do then.

"Skye... please say something" I looked back at Dustin whose face was so scared I nearly had a mini heart attack. It was like a white girl in a horror flick.

That scared.

Poor guy...

I sighed looking down and shaking my head a tad. "Dustin... I don't think you should ask me that..."

"W-what? W-w-why?" His voice broke and I could tell it took him a sh*t load of strength to ask me in the first place. It hurt seeing his face stricken and turn sad, I could tell he was trying to mask over it.

I gripped his hand tightly. "You know I love you... You've meant so much to me. I mean you taught me so much in art and I couldn't be more grateful... You were my first kiss and many after that and every waking moment with you has been amazeberries. You have been remarkable to me and god... you're sexy too. And for a while, you made my heart beat for you so fast, it was about to leap out of its chest and go on a hired van and illegally cross boarders to Mexico"

Dustin's eyes became watery and a little smiled formed on his lips, he laughed lightly at the last comment and it made me smile a bit.

"You were not one bit useless, you're handsome, talented, charming, charismatic, sexy, enjoyable every single bit... again sexy" I chuckled gazing at his softened blue eyes.

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