15. Surprises

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Chapter 15



Sorry you amazeberries readers for not posting, I've been juggling with *blah blah blah* I'm sure you wouldn't wanna know what, not wrong I swear... you dirty minded freaks! haha, sorry guys! Love you all with cookies xx I'll post 4 chapters as a peace offering within the next 3 days. (imaginery big heart and cookie) enjoy x


3 shampoo bottles. 2 conditioners. A whole lot of SpongeBob soap. And litres of steamy warm water. All just to get the sticky brownie substance and flour off and out of my hair. Luckily for Jace who showered before me took 10 minutes. I on the other hand took an hour and a half.

I tightly wrapped the towel around me stepping into my warm fluffy carpeted room. I take in a big sniff enjoying my usual blossom and lavender smell. Don't get me wrong... I mean, I just smelled nice okay?

"Finally! Took you long enough" Jace groaned sitting up from my bed and putting his phone down.

"Sorry I just... look being a female is difficult" I grumbled shuffling through my draws to find a big t-shirt with shorts but just ended up taking one of Jace's spares.

"You're a female? Oh My Lawd! Now that's new"

I turned around glaring at my way too good looking friend.

"Oh I'm sorry. Was I meant to be offended? The only thing offending me is your face..." Not really.

He dropped his jaw a little forming an O, a grin then spread across his face showing his dimple.

"I'd hurt you Einstein, but that'd be animal abuse"

"Ohh ha ha" I gave an uninterested laugh then smirked in return.

"I would hurt you in return especially in the face area, but I don't want to make your face to look any better"

"Gosh Skye, what did you eat for breakfast? Bish Flakes?"

"Nah... I ate Ahem..." I looked away tapping my foot hiding away my blush.

"You ate the deck didn't you?"

"Pssh... maybe"

"Oh god Skye, we both know the only thing you eat is cookies" He shook his head and laughed laying back down.

I sigh sitting along my window seat, "I hate that you know me so well..."

"Physically or personality wise?" He questioned with cheekiness in his voice. I threw a pillow at him poking out my tongue.

"Personality dumb ass!"

"Oooh... I knew that"

"Sure" I chuckled standing back up to change.

"Mmm I have a lookey?"

"Dreams are free"

"So is seeing you..." He winked turning around and shoving his face in my pillows, probably sniffing it, he sniffs me a lot. I shook my head laughing as I dropped down the towel and slipped on some Daphne duck panties and throwing on Jace's Indian American chief Tee.

'Ish Sho Fuwffy!' my message alarm vibrates from my bed side table.

I run to it before Jace has the chance and opened the message.

Mr. Goddess ;p - You know your window is a little too open, but I'm not complaining

My cheeks heated in a radiated red, I slowly turned finding Dustin on his window seat smirking. I glance at my bed finding Jace's eyes closed. Poor baby is sleeping.

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