Episode 2: Blood vs Water- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the main camera showed him standing at the campfire area, "Before the break, Callie managed to pull off a victory for the Multiple Mole-Rats, forcing the Observant Owls to vote someone out tonight. With the elimination ceremony coming up fast, let's take a look at what the campers have planned."


The cameras first turned their attention to the mess hall, where Rhythm, Dallas, Veronica, Kavan, and Damien gathered to talk about the upcoming elimination ceremony. They all knew what was on the agenda with regards to who to vote for, so they all just wanted to get assurance that the vote would go the way that they wanted it to go. They were all gathered around a table, as if it were an important business meeting.

"Alright team, I've gathered you all here today to talk about a plan for tonight's voteoff," Veronica declared as she sat at the head of one of the tables, "Together, we have five votes, so we need to decide who to vote out."

"Now that we've lost an actual challenge, I need to make sure that Kavan, Rhythm, Dallas and I have the votes to stay."- Veronica

"Well I can tell you who I want out," Damien admitted, "I think it's Fedor's time to go."

"Yes, it's gonna be hard to pull off; after all, he didn't really do anything wrong today. But I'm gonna do everything in my power to get him out."- Damien

"Yes, he didn't really do anything wrong, but he didn't do anything right," Damien noted, "For one, he didn't volunteer for the challenge today."

"Do you think he would've done better than Tory?" Rhythm asked.

"I mean, I definitely think that Tory gave out earlier than he could've, but I feel like Fedor had a shot at lasting longer," Damien claimed, "If I'm being honest."

"I feel like anyone not in the challenge could've done better than Tory," Dallas insisted, "And in that case, Tory should be the one voted out."

"We need stability on this team; Tory talks a big game like he's the 'man of the hour', but his effort in the challenge was absolutely pathetic. He needs to go."- Dallas

"Well, we only have five votes," Kavan reminded, "We can't split the vote and pick a target later. We've all got to commit to taking out one person."

"Tory can't be relied upon to help us win," Dallas claimed, wanting to push her plan forward, "I think we're better off kicking him out now before he does any more damage."

"The thing is that I trust Tory more than Fedor," Rhythm admitted, "I would feel confident in saying that Tory would stay loyal to us for now."

"And you don't think that Fedor would stay loyal?" Dallas asked, confused.

"I've played against Fedor; he's a leech for any team that he's on," Rhythm insisted, "And I'm not buying his 'nice guy' act."

"I agree," Veronica admitted, "If Katelyn can pull off a fake smile, then Fedor can too."

"I really feel like Tory is more dangerous to us because he doesn't put in the effort to make us a closer team," Dallas contested, "Has he talked to any of us outside of the challenge."

"He talked to me yesterday," Damien admitted, "Although most of it was when we planned to vote for Veronica."

"Oh! And he wants to take out the strongest member of our team!" Dallas noted, trying to work any angle she could, "He's bad news!"

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