Episode 5: Strength In Numbers- Immunity Challenge

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the cameras focused on him standing beside the arm wrestling stage, "Before the break, the teams learned that they would have to arm wrestle for immunity today. We know that they're smarter than the campers of the past; let's see if they're stronger as well..."


"Alright campers, it's time for round one!" Chris declared as he began reading the ranking lists that the campers gave him seconds before, "Well start with the strongest members of each team: Tory from the Multiple Mole-Rats and Kavan from the Observant Owls."

"I knew that Kavan would be first on the other team's ranking, and I felt that I was most fit to take him out. Amalia wanted to give it a shot, but I really wanted to try for it."- Tory

"I'm known for being strong; being a freerunner requires you to scale tall buildings and structures efficiently, which requires strength."- Kavan

"So, place your elbows in front of the pads, clasp your right hands in the middle, and grab the handles with your left hand to brace yourselves," Chris directed as the two young men followed his instructions, "Anything you want to say to each other?"

"You're going down," Tory remarked, wanting to intimidate Kavan.

"I'm not going down; I'm going up!" Kavan replied before pausing, "Wait, does that make sense?"

"Beats me," Chris commented, "Ready, set, start!"

With that, both men pushed against each other with all their might, hoping to put an end to the round fairly quickly. Unsurprisingly, both men put up a good fight; neither of them wanted to lose in the round where they were supposed to be the strongest member of their team. They went back and forth for about ten seconds before Kavan dug in his heels and finally slammed Tory's hand onto the side block.

"And Kavan scores the first point for the Observant Owls!" Chris declared, causing the Owls to cheer.

"Dammit..." Tory muttered as he walked back over to his team, "Sorry guys."

"It is what it is," Rhythm remarked, not making eye-contact with him.

"I guess Dallas really did have a point..."- Rhythm

"Time for round two with the second strongest people from each team!" Chris declared as the next two campers stepped up to the table and got in position, "We have Amalia from the Multiple Mole-Rats against Veronica from the Observant Owls."

"I've always tried to remain athletic and healthy during my life, and I have done my fair share of weightlifting. I at least have a chance at winning."- Amalia

"I'm glad that Kavan won, and now it's my turn to win. I need this victory so my teammates will believe in my competency to be a valuable leader. If I fail, the team might turn to Daniel for guidance, and I can't have that."- Veronica

"Anything you want to say to each other?" Chris asked, wanting to amp them up.

"You have a really strong grip," Amalia admitted to Veronica.

"Not the first time I've been told that," Veronica remarked, smirking.

"Same," Amalia added, chuckling a bit.

"And this is why I don't have kids..." Chris muttered under his breath before raising his voice, "Ready, set, start!"

Upon the end of Chris' signal, both women pushed hard, desperate to prove their worth to their teammates. Much like the last round, both campers managed to gain ground at certain points, only to lose it a few seconds later. With this round arguably being more equal, it took longer for the round to end. But after about fifteen seconds, Veronica's strength gave out as Amalia steamrolled her arm onto the table, Causing Veronica to fall down to the ground.

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