Episode 15: How Bad Do You Want It?- Elimination

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After the completion of the final commercial break of the episode, the footage cut to the remaining six campers sitting on stumps in the campfire area. The general ambiance of the area was tense; everyone walked into the area with a plan, and they all hoped that everything would go the way that they thought it would. But for most of them, the plans were about to change very quickly.

"Alright campers, tonight is gonna be a pretty big night," Chris reminded, "Callie is safe because she has immunity, but the rest of you can still get votes. One by one, you'll each enter the Confession Can, x-out the photo of the camper that you want to vote for, I'll check & tally the votes, and then I'll hand out marshmallows to those who are safe. Whoever doesn't receive a marshmallow will be forced to walk down the Dock of Shame and leave the island on the Jet-Ski of Losers. Alright, now-"

"Chris!" Callie exclaimed as she raised her hand, "I'm sorry for interrupting, but I really need to say something."

"Y'know, I'd normally be upset by being interrupted," Chris admitted, "But because you apologized, I guess I can allow it."

"Thanks, Chris!" Callie thanked as she stood up and faced the other campers, "Girls....and Zeyad, you all know who I am. I don't want to have to betray anyone if I don't have to."

"Too late for that," Dallas muttered under her breath.

"I heard that!" Callie claimed before returning to her speech, "There's been a lot of backstabbing going on lately, and that's not something that I want to do. I know that you four want to target Alina, and I'm not going to let her leave when I can do something about it."

With that, Callie removed the Golden Marshmallow necklace from around her neck and placed it around Alina's neck, leaving the other four campers surprised. Even though it wasn't the first time that someone had done that; Daniel made the same move the season before, the others were surprised that Callie made the move, and they weren't sure what her plan was.

"Sure, your friend is safe now," Dallas agreed, "But now you're vulnerable. You'd really rather have yourself get voted out?"

"Dallas, that's the point: I've played this game being loyal; the four of you might be working together, but my friendship with Alina is stronger than whatever bond that you have," Callie claimed as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her invincibility statue, "Now it's time to see how tight the four of you really are."

"Woah! Looks like Callie has an invincibility statue!" Chris narrated.

"Idiot..." Dallas muttered to herself before facing Callie, "Guys, she's bluffing."

"I knew you'd say that, Dallas. So let's say I am bluffing: call it," Callie encouraged, "Thanks to this statue, I'm safe; it'll be one of you four going home. And I'm saying this because I care: don't vote for me, because voting for me means there's one less vote that counts."

That speech shocked the other campers; they didn't expect Callie to tell them such a loud and blunt message. They didn't know if they should be surprised or scared, but regardless, they all began talking to each other, scrambling to figure out a new plan. Callie & Alina couldn't hear what they were talking about, but they didn't have to; they managed to make everyone else panic, scrambling to keep themselves out of a potential tie.

"Wow...." Chris muttered, shocked, "This....is gonna be amazing for the episode! Thank you, Callie!"

"You're welcome, Chris," Callie replied, smiling.

Callie & Alina simply stood back and watched the other four campers talk to each other. Even though they all felt that they were going to receive a vote, it quickly became clear to them that Dallas was the most frantic; she ran back and forth between each camper, seemingly trying to convince them to vote her way. They couldn't blame her for feeling worried; she should be.

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