Episode 9: Gotta Get Lucky- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the cameras panned on him standing by the blackjack tables, "Before the break, Karlie outflopped everyone to win the very first individual immunity challenge of the season. With the elimination ceremony only a few hours away, let's see if anything big happens."


As if it were a natural reflex, the cameras turned their attention to the living room of the mini-mansion, where the majority alliance gathered to discuss their plan for the upcoming elimination ceremony. After successfully eliminating Cole last episode, it made sense for them to regroup and continue their dominance with the numbers on their side.

"Alright gang," Veronica began as she paced around the couch, on which were her allies, "We still have the numbers, so we have to use this advantage to take out one of the other three guys."

"I know that a blindside is coming soon, and I just want to hold it off for as long as possible. If this is the last vote before we suddenly start going after each other, I need to make sure that the person that goes home out of those three boys is the one that is the most threatening."- Veronica

"Well, we have eight votes, so we can pretty much split the votes between the two guys who are the most dangerous," Karlie rationalized, "All we need to do is pick a target and a backup plan."

"Personally, I want Tory out," Alina admitted, "I think he's holding back a little bit."

"I saw last season; Tory wasn't afraid to get physical. He's won an individual immunity challenge before and I think he'll win one this season if he stays any longer."- Alina

"He's probably the biggest threat of the three of them," Alina claimed, "He could beat us in physical challenges."

"Yeah, and since the last two challenges were mental ones, there's a good chance that the next one will be physical," Dallas added.

"Can I suggest something?" Callie asked as she raised her hand.

"Go ahead," Veronica allowed.

"I'll agree that Tory is a threat, but I think that Zeyad should be the next one to go," Callie admitted, "I think he's the most likely to break us up."

"Zeyad's alliance voted for me at the last elimination ceremony; he might vote for me again. If he gets voted out, I'll be safe."- Callie

"I mean, we also voted out Cole," Callie noted, "Zeyad could hold a grudge against us for that."

"All three of them are targeting us though," Kavan pointed out, "As long as one of those three get voted out, it's fine."

"Personally, I think Spencer might be our biggest threat," Daniel proposed, "He's pulled off upsets before."

"Spencer's a cool guy, but he's very underrated. This doesn't have anything to do with him injuring Amalia; that was an accident. He's shown that he can win a mental challenge, find invincibility statues, and socialize with others; that's everything that I want to do. It's in my best interest to get him out."- Daniel

"We can beat him," Rhythm assured, "He can't be that good."

"He's a lot smarter than he's letting on," Daniel claimed, "But again, this needs to be a team decision. If you guys feel that Tory & Zeyad are bigger threats than Spencer, I'll comply."

Rhythm was going to make a comment about Daniel's persistence to eliminate Spencer, but was interrupted by a knock at the front door. The group wasn't certain over who it would be, but they knew that it could only be one of five people: Tory, Spencer, Zeyad, Chris, and Chef Hatchet. With this in mind, Daniel walked up to the door and opened it, reavealing the person who knocked.

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