Episode 8: Dressed For Success- Downtime/Elimination

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"And we're back on the eighth episode of Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris declared as the cameras panned on him, "Before the break, Veronica & Kavan shopped 'till they dropped and won immunity. With this upcoming elimination being the first post-merge vote, it's sure to set the pace for the rest of the season. But before that, let's take a look at the merge brunch for everyone."


With that, the cameras turned their attention to the mess hall, where the twelve campers were eating away at brunch, all while dressed in the outfits from the last challenge. Served to them today was french toast, scrambled eggs, grilled sausage, fried bacon, a kale salad, croquettes, assorted donuts, and various fruits, among other dishes. This was the first time this season that all of them were eating together, so this was a good time for them to talk to each other.

"Good job on the challenge win," Dallas congratulated to Veronica & Kavan.

"Thanks!" Veronica thanked as she reached for another croquette.

"Seriously, how did you guys move that fast?" Spencer asked, curious.

"We didn't really have a plan," Veronica claimed, wanting to be modest, "It was luck, honestly."

"This is the first non-team immunity challenge that I've won while on the show, and I hope to win a few more. The thing is, I don't want to win too many in a row if I don't have to. The last thing that I want is for me to be targeted for being a physical threat."- Veronica

"It seems that we're all having a good time right now," Kavan remarked, "That's what counts."

"I hope that this lasts long," Dallas expressed, "This feels nice."

"It's weird that Dallas is being so nice. When she left, she was really........mean. Maybe Playa de Losers changed her for the better."- Callie

"It's taking so much energy to keep on acting nice. I'll admit it, I have a bit of an attitude: I know it and everyone else knows it too. But if I can act nice and get some people to trust me, I might just work my way back into the flow."- Dallas

At this point in the game, as much as the campers wanted to relax and just enjoy the meal in front of them, they couldn't help but think about how they would play the rest of their game. They needed to figure out who they would align with, who they would target first, and what little moves they could make to better their chances at winning. Daniel was a perfect example of this; aside from taking a few bites of buttered toast, Daniel was too focused on the game to eat.

"Where....where...." Daniel muttered to himself as he blankly stared at the table.

"Now that Amalia is gone, I need to keep an eye on everything that I possibly can. Chris could be throwing any new advantage or twist into the game, and I want to be the first to know about them."- Daniel

"Daniel!" Rhythm exclaimed.

"Oh! Sorry!" Daniel apologized as he snapped out of his trance, "I was daydreaming. What's up?"

"For the fifth time, can you please pass the plate of french toast?" Rhythm asked, laughing at Daniel's obliviousness.

"Oh, sorry, here you go," Daniel remarked as he grabbed the plate and began to move it towards Rhythm, "Um....hold on. I kinda want some french toast."

"Uh...alright?" Rhythm agreed as she watched Daniel put three slices on his plate before handing her the main plate, albeit a bit slower than expected, "You like french toast?"

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