Episode 11: It's All Blown Up- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the cameras focused on him standing on the beach, "Before the break, Daniel stayed cool under pressure and diffused his way to an individual immunity win. With one of the bigger targets immune from elimination, let's see what the campers have planned for the upcoming campfire ceremony."


The cameras first turned their attention to the communal washrooms, where Veronica, Kavan, Karlie, and Dallas gathered to discuss their plans for the elimination ceremony. Granted that their prime target (Daniel) was immune, they needed to come up with a new plan, and they were ready to get to work.

"That didn't go as planned," Dallas commented as she brushed her hair while looking in the mirror.

"I told you that Daniel was tough!" Veronica reminded whilst showering behind a curtain.

"Don't need to tell me twice," Karlie commented before turning to face the window, "Can you hear us out there, Kavan?"

"Yep, I'm good!" Kavan assured, raising his voice a little bit.

"Roni was showering, so she didn't want me in the bathroom with her. I can respect that; she wants her privacy. Although I don't get why Karlie & Dallas are allowed to stand by the sinks while she showers. Is that a girl thing?"- Kavan

"Alright, so what's our plan?" Dallas asked, "Now that Daniel's immune, we need to pick someone else."

"It's obvious," Veronica insisted, "We need to split the votes between Callie & Alina."

"It really sucks that Daniel has immunity; now we have no choice but to split up Callie & Alina. They're really nice girls, but I just can't trust that they'll go along with my plans."- Veronica

"That's good!" Kavan agreed, "But who do we target?"

"Quiet down a bit!" Karlie warned, "We don't want them to hear us!"

"Sorry," Kavan apologized in a softer tone, "Who do we target?"

"I think we should target Alina," Dallas admitted.

"Why?" Veronica asked, confused, "Alina hasn't won any challenges."

"Callie's strong, but I think it's because she has Alina to rely on," Dallas explained, "If we vote out Alina, Callie will be such a lost dog that she won't be able to win anything."

"Okay, it sounds mean, but it's actually really strategic. Callie's closest ally is Alina; if Alina gets voted out, that gives me enough of a window to rebuild a connection with Callie and potentially become her new number one ally. After all, I need a new ally with Rhythm being gone."- Dallas

"If anything, it gives us better odds to win immunity," Dallas added, "Y'know, if we can find a way to stop Daniel."

"Don't you think that's rude?" Karlie asked, "Callie doesn't deserve that!"

"Rhythm didn't deserve to be voted out and she was anyway," Dallas noted, "I think it's an eye for an eye."

"Just because someone does something to us doesn't mean that we do it to them," Karlie insisted, "And let's face it; getting rid of Rhythm made you angry; Alina getting voted out will make Callie a nervous wreck."

"I'm not necessarily trying and protect Callie; I'm trying to protect Alina. Early on, Alina and I made a deal to go to the final four, and I feel like her and I are still close. If Callie does end up getting voted out, I could make a final two deal with Alina, which is really good for me."- Karlie

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