Episode 14: Watching In Paradise- Camper Analysis

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the cameras panned in on him standing on the beach, "Before the break, we took a look at the eliminated campers and found their opinions of the resort and their times in the game. But now, let's see what they think about the six remaining campers in the game. Will they think sweet thoughts? Or will they be salty?"


With that, the footage cut back to Fedor & Spencer in the living room, with Chris standing behind the cameramen to interview them. Considering that the twins were outsiders during the game, Chris was interested in seeing how their views would be different from the campers who were a part of the majority alliance.

"Spencer, what do you think about Veronica's gameplay?" Chris asked.

"She's played a good game," Spencer admitted, "She's definitely one of the most dominant players left in the game."

"Do you think she'll win?" Chris asked.

"Eh.....nah," Spencer answered, "If I'm being honest.....I think she's gonna get overthrown."

"You really think so?" Kavan asked as he walked into the living room while carrying a martini with him.

"Hey, I'm just being honest," Spencer insisted.

"I mean, I get it, but Roni has what it takes to win this game," Kavan reminded, "She's gotten out of tougher spots before."

"Everything that goes up must come down," Spencer reminded, "It's life."

"Spencer, if you think Veronica's time in the spotlight is limited, who do you think will overthrow her?" Chris questioned, curious.

"Hmm..." Spencer pondered, trying to think about the other five campers left in the game, "I'll say......Callie."

"You really think that Callie can overthrow Veronica?" Fedor asked, not looking for a true response, "There's no chance."

"What do you mean? Callie's got a chance," Kavan insisted, "She orchestrated my blindside."

"Karlie & Zeyad orchestrated your blindside; without them, Callie would be here instead of you," Fedor claimed, "She's too timid to actually take over the game."

"She may be timid, but she's also caring," Damien noted as he walked in from the backyard, "She's likable enough for people to keep her in the game."

"She was almost voted out last episode," Fedor reminded, "Being caring doesn't mean sh*t."

"Just don't doubt her, she has her moments of being scary," Damien insisted, "Remember the armwrestling challenge? She beat me in less than a second!"

"And she also dragged you around the maze back in episode six," Spencer added.

"Exactly; she's no joke," Kavan agreed, "It's always the quiet ones that you've gotta watch."


In a game like Total Drama, being quiet didn't necessarily correspond to a lack of gameplay. Being quiet could be seen as a tactic to fly under the radar in an effort to not be targeted. Out of the six remaining campers left in the game, Alina & Karlie seemed to be using this type of strategy, and Chris was ready to bring up this topic to a few of the eliminated campers.

"Daniel, in your two seasons, you've tried to play a quiet game," Chris prefaced, "What do you think about Alina using a similar strategy?"

"Here's the thing: when I played, I made little moves and did some talking even if I didn't need to," Daniel noted, "With Alina, I can't pinpoint one move that she made on her own terms, and I think she's only talking because she has to."

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