Episode 4: Here's The Real Tea- Elimination

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Within a couple of minutes, all fifteen campers were present and ready for the elimination ceremony to begin. After losing a challenge that resulted in a blindside, the Multiple Mole-Rats were back in the Immunity Bleachers and were ready to watch the next elimination unfold. For the Observant Owls, they each had an idea of what they wanted to do, but what was about to happen next would definitely change their minds.

"Alrighty then, Observant Owls, it's time for you to vote someone out again," Chris declared, "You know how this works: you'll go into the Confession Can, x-out the photo of the person that you want to vote for, I'll tally and check the votes, and then I'll hand out marshmallows to those who are safe. Whoever doesn't receive a marshmallow must walk down the Dock of Shame and leave the island on the Jet Ski of Losers. And with that-"

"Chris!" Dallas interrupted, "I want to say something."

"Sure, do what you want," Chris agreed with a slightly reluctant tone in his voice.

"Perfect," Dallas muttered before standing up and facing her team, "Guys, we can't afford to lose challenges anymore. So I'm begging you: please join me in voting for Tory!"

"What?" Tory exclaimed, confused, "How does that make any sense?"

"Tory is totally dropping the ball in challenges!" Dallas claimed, completely ignoring Tory's question, "He dropped out way too early in the weightlifting challenge, and was useless when he threw corks this afternoon!"

"What about the third challenge?" Veronica asked, "He won-"

"Shut up!" Dallas ordered, "And he is the root of all the fighting in this team! He's the one who started the rumour that Annie & Spencer were in love!"

"Don't worry!" Annie assured, "We cleared that up and everything is-"

"Annie, you're a good girl, but I need to do this for the sake of our team," Dallas insisted, "It doesn't matter if he means to do it or not; Tory is the reason why our team is losing. And if you don't want to lose anymore, you need to join me and vote him out too."

Everyone was shocked; to openly call someone out for being the weak-link on their team was such a gutsy move that no one would even think of doing it. At least, no one except for Dallas. She was so adamant that Tory needed to go that she was willing to put everything on the line to make it happen. For a few seconds after Dallas finished speaking, no one knew what to do next. It wasn't until Spencer got up that everyone started talking.

"One second," Spencer requested as he walked over to Annie and began whispering to her.

That one move sparked the movement of everyone else. Within a matter of seconds, all eight members of the Observant Owls were up and whispering to other members of the team. It was pandemonium; even people who didn't normally talk to each other were now talking. Dallas & Kavan were talking, Damien & Annie were talking, Rhythm & Tory were talking, Veronica & Spencer were talking, and every other combination of people talking was happening all at once.

"This is....amazing!" Chris remarked as he watched the campers scramble, "This is gonna be awesome for the episode!"

"Guys, are we ready to vote?" Veronica asked to the entire team.

"We're ready," Dallas & Rhythm agreed.

"We're fine here," Tory & Annie added.

"Let's do it," Spencer & Damien remarked.

"Alright Chris, we're ready to vote," Kavan declared.

"Don't let me stop you," Chris insisted, "Let's get this show rolling!"

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