TDDT- Secrets of the Season

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I'd like to welcome everyone to the final chapter of this story. In this chapter, I will go over several aspects of this season, including its format, the campers, the challenges, the placements, and some special facts about the season. Let's get started!"


Section 1: The Format

When I watched the actual Total Drama show (specifically Total Drama Action & Total Drama World Tour), I took note that although the campers knew each other beforehand, they didn't seem to have much of a problem with voting each other out. The way I see it, they don't seem to have trouble with voting people out because (with some exceptions) the bonds that they have with each other didn't exist until they were on the show. This made me think about what would happen if the campers had to compete against someone that they personally knew, which were dubbed 'loved ones'.

The first format that I thought of for this season involved the campers competing in their respective duos. They would compete in an immunity challenge, the winning duo then got to pick one duo to 'mark' for elimination, the other campers would vote out one member of that duo, and the camper that was spared got a free pass to the final thirteen. The remaining campers would then be split into two teams, the game would change to the normal format (merge with 10 campers left), and the game would continue as usual for the remainder of the season. I ended up scratching that because I thought it was too complicated, which lead me to the simpler format that ended up being used.


Section 2: The Characters

When I thought of this season, I knew that I wanted to have some of last season's characters return, because it would allow me to expand on their backstories and add details about them. And knowing that I couldn't include all of last season's characters, I selected some that I perceived to be fan-favourites, some that I felt deserved a second chance, and some that I just thought would be good for the season.

Once I decided who would be the returning characters, I started making their 'loved ones'. My goal with making the new campers was to create characters that could help me expand on the returning campers' storylines. I also wanted to get creative with the new campers' relationships with the returning campers; I didn't want to have them all be blood-related to the campers that they're associated with.

Katelyn Lewis: Since she was the main antagonist of last season, I felt that she (as a character) would want to come back for a second season. My goal was to have her show a different side of her character. We all saw how aggressive and loud she was in her first season; I wanted her to be more vulnerable and show that even though she was heartless last season, she has feelings just like everyone else. With that being said, I wouldn't mind bringing her back for a future season, because I know that she has more to prove.

Fedor Meyer: Even though he had a low amount of 'screentime' last season and was also a bit annoying to the other campers, I actually like his character. Much like Katelyn, he was brought back to show that he has a heart and that he realizes that his actions can hurt people's feelings. In general, I think he has more to his character, but I don't know if I want him back for another season. It's not impossible for him to come back, but it's unlikely as of now.

Ariton Alla: When I knew that Daniel was going to be back this season, I wanted his 'loved one' to be someone that complimented his intelligence. Ariton's relation to Daniel was similar to his relation to Kailer on The Ridonculous Race Revamped: he was the muscle to his partner's brain. In general, he doesn't have a whole lot more to his character, and I'm pretty sure that he's not coming back to the show to compete.

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