Episode 17: One Step Forward- Nighttime/Morning

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"Last time on Total Drama Double Trouble..." Chris began through a narration, "With a second chance at the million dollar prize, Daniel wasted no time in executing his gameplan, starting with making an alliance with Veronica & Zeyad to help split up Callie & Alina."

*Shows shots of Daniel talking with Veronica & Zeyad, and of the three of them shaking hands with each other*

"But in the mini-mansion, Alina was busy confronting Karlie about her apparent betrayal, which she confessed to. And after finding out that Zeyad threw her under the bus, Karlie agreed to bring back the final four alliance between the two of them, Callie, & Daniel."

*Shows shots of Alina confronting Karlie, Karlie confessing, Alina revealing Zeyad's betrayal, and of Karlie & Alina shaking hands*

"While this went down, Callie used the final trip to Boney Island wisely, as she successfully followed the clue to the brick wall, under which she found an invincibility statue. Now with two invincibility statues, she was relaxed for the first time in a while."

*Shows shots of Callie reading the clue, running up to the brick wall, grabbing the statue from under the wall, and falling asleep on the cave floor*

"When the immunity challenge came, the campers raced to deliver information about eliminated campers to The Mad King, played by our very own Chef Hatchet. In the end, Daniel's genius-level memory propelled him to his second individual immunity win of the season."

*Shows shots of Veronica, Daniel, Karlie, Alina, & Zeyad running around & looking at scrolls, Chef Hatchet drinking tea, Daniel kneeling alone on the final slab, and of Daniel receiving the Golden Marshmallow necklace from Chris*

"Being the swing votes, Daniel & Karlie made deals with both Callie & Alina and Veronica & Zeyad. But in reality, they had a plan to make Callie paranoid enough to waste her invincibility statue while they would use their votes to eliminate Veronica; the biggest solo threat in the game."

*Shows shots of Daniel & Karlie talking with Callie & Alina, Daniel & Karlie talking with Veronica & Zeyad, Daniel talking with Callie about her invincibility statue, and of Veronica stressing out*

"But once Daniel spilled the beans about the whole operation, Veronica broke down, saddened that her game would be coming to an end. And this led to a rare heartfelt moment where Daniel comforted Veronica, reminding her she was 'The Queen', and that she shouldn't give up so easily."

*Shows shots of Daniel revealing the plan to Veronica, Veronica crying on the ground, and of Daniel hugging & consoling Veronica*

"When the vote came, Callie not only played an invincibility statue on herself, but used her second statue to save Alina, ensuring that neither of them could be voted out. But this wasn't needed as Daniel & Karlie stayed loyal and helped split the votes against Zeyad & Veronica."

*Shows shots of Callie giving her first statue to Chris, Callie giving her second statue to Chris, Callie & Alina hugging, Daniel & Karlie voting for Zeyad, and of Callie & Alina voting for Veronica*

"But in a shocking turn of events, Veronica switched her vote and betrayed Zeyad, casting the deciding vote and sending him away from the island in good spirits."

*Shows shots of Veronica voting for Zeyad, Zeyad hugging the remaining campers, and Zeyad being launched away on the Jet Ski of Losers*

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