Chapter 32: A Chilling Encounter and the Genius with an I.Q. of 300!

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This one's a bit of a special one. It's special because it's going to feature more characters from Dragon Ball, but not specific characters. Oh, no... you poor, naive fools, you. It's my own created characters from DragonBall Xenoverse 2! That's right! Hate on me all you want, because it's never gonna stop! I'm also adding another character who isn't from DragonBall Xenoverse 2.

3:29 P.M. Sayori's POV

I wake up next to Natty like I always do, but I notice that she's out like a light and sleeping like a rock. I smile, kiss her cheek and head downstairs. Everyone is asleep. Everyone.

"Jeez... how much longer does everyone have left to sleep, anyway?" I ask aloud, quietly.

I sigh, shrug and make my way outside to go on a walk. It's a bright and sunny day outside, and I take it all in, breathing in and out the fresh air... smells kinda like pie for some reason. I head down the sidewalk at my own pace, my hands behind my back and a smile on my face. I walk for what seems like hours until I finally make it to... somewhere, and sit down to rest.

"Ahh... the fresh air's nice this time of year..." I lament out loud.

"Yeah, no kidding." I hear a voice say, and I look to see that a green lady wearing a black and red outfit is sitting next to me.

"Y-you weren't there before

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"Y-you weren't there before..! Where did you come from?!" I exclaim, and she quickly, yet silently covers my mouth.

"Shh. Calm down." She orders, and I take a few deep breaths out through my nose before she takes her hand off of my mouth.

"Now, are you calm?" She asks, and I nod.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you like that. I'm Sayori!" I exclaim, holding out my hand.

She adjusts her glasses with her middle finger and smiles at me, taking my hand in hers and shaking it.

"Cadabra. Nice to meet you too." She responds, and I giggle.

"What's so funny?" Cadabra asks.

"Your name's 'Cadabra'? As in "Abracadabra," the magic spell?" I ask, and she 'ohhs' like she realized something.

"So that's the catch to my name..." Cadabra states aloud.

"'Catch'?" I ask, and she sighs as if she took a deep breath.

"The species I come from, the Majins, all have names like mine, such as Buu, Kazam, etc. I was just stuck wondering mine for the longest time, so... thanks. I was actually just here scouting for a fugitive on the run. I'm a Time Patroller, meaning that I protect the timelines from being distorted. And right now, I'm trying to find someone by the name of 'Chilla'. He's... erm... pale white. Like, as white as snow with blue, shiny circles on him, a green eyepiece called a scouter which can read enemy energy levels, and he has spikes everywhere. Have you seen him?" Cadabra asks, and I shake my head no.

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