Chapter 70: A Disney Lawsuit

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Yup. I had this idea from the beginning. Aladdin was my favorite Disney movie growing up, and this is a filler episode of a cast of characters who are playing the other characters for a play in the story. Crazy, huh? Also, songs will be sung here. Hasn't happened in a while, eh? Anyhow, here's the cast.

Aladdin/"Princess MewMew" in contrast to Prince Ali: Sayori Amai Utsubyō
Abu: Midna
Jasmine: Natsuki Konton Airashī
Jafar/Omar: Retro Tech
Peddler/Mariner/Genie: Monika HenzaiSuru Kōdo
Sultan: Zoe Hito Ōsutoraria
Rajah: Yang Xiao Long
Iago/Lian: Kam
Dalia/Marinette: Yuri Shai Ken
Cave of Wonders: Alucard
Flying Carpet: An actual flying carpet
Gazeem (that bozo who worked for Jafar in the beginning of the movie): Ex-Junior Warrant Officer Schrödinger
Prince Achmed: Shadow the Hedgehog {reluctantly}
Saieed the Snake {2019 deleted scene character}: Caulifla
Waleed the Wicked {also a deleted character}: Qrow Branwen
Sticky Thief Shareef {also a deleted character}: Neopolitan

Also, even though this is the 1992 version of Aladdin, all songs will be in the 2019 style. Don't worry. I love Robin Williams' version of Prince Ali and Friends Like Me, but Will Smith SMASHED those songs enough for me to make it those versions. Also also, all characters will be in costume. And Yang is an actual tiger. With no dialogue. Y'know, other than her context clues and actions. Also also also, in this version of "Aladdin", Jafar, or Retro, does not want to marry Jasmine, or Natsuki, but since Kam is replacing Iago, I'm making Retro and Kam a couple here and having Jafar's wish for Jasmine to fall desperately in love with him be for her imminent death. And what about the distractional kiss from Jasmine, you ask? Ho ho, wait and see. Also also also also, there's going to be parts of this that are the 1992 version, the 2019 version (where it fits), and my own version of this story. And before you ask, no. A Whole New World is not going to be in this. I LOATHE that song because everyone loves it rather than the not cheesy love songs, like Arabian Nights or Prince Ali's reprise. Speaking of those awesome songs listed before Whole New World, I chose to be Jafar because he had the best Disney song since "Friends on the Other Side" and "Keep 'Em Guessing". And if you wanna know what Keep 'Em Guessing is, here.

Cool? Cool.

7:40 A.M. Nobody's POV

Monika wakes up first, yawning. She stretches from side to side, and she looks at Yuri, Vio and Anne in the bed next to her. Monika thinks before she gets an idea.

"Psst. Yuri. Wake up, honey." Monika whispers, and Yuri only stirs before turning over.

"The nerve..!" Monika mutters before she grabs Yuri's most prized knife and grips it like she's going to stab herself.

"Welp, here I go." Monika states casually as she rams it through her gut, instantly making Yuri and Vio wake up, and they look to see Monika stabbing herself.

"Monika, what the fuck?!" Yuri shouts, and she jumps over to Monika before taking the knife out.

"OK, I know this looks bad, but I just wanted to wake you up." Monika responds.

"There are better ways to give someone a wakeup call than by stabbing your own gut, Monika! I mean, you can always heal yourself right back up, but Jesus Christ, Monika! Have some patience!" Yuri scolds, and Monika looks away from her.

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