Chapter 77: Monika's Hardest Test and a Shocking Relative Revelation!

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"I'd say it's pretty good. And yours?" Monika asks with a cheerful grin, putting her hands behind her back as Alucard walks between Integra and Walter, turning around to face Monika.

"You seem optimistic. Care to tell us why?" Walter asks.

"What's wrong with being optimistic?" Monika asks, crossing her arms.

"You do make a fair point..." Seras mutters.

"I mean, especially since I'm gonna be taking a test that may or may not get me killed and all, but it's kinda not scary at all, considering--" Monika rambles nervously before being cut off.

"That's enough, Monika. I can tell you're nervous, if that soliloquy told us anything. For God's sake, you're shaking like a leaf!" Integra exclaims, and Monika tries to calm down to no avail.

"I suppose we'll have to wait until you're calm. In the meantime, would you like some tea? Schrödinger's surprisingly adapt at making it." Integra explains, and Schrödinger smiles wider.

"Well, being the Major's whipping cat meant I had to work my way up somehow. My first job was, essentially, to make any tea he requested. I suppose those skills got passed onto my mindset after all these years." Schrödinger explains, making Monika sigh before nodding.

"I'll have some tea." Monika responds, and Walter leads her to Integra's office, and Integra sits at her desk as Schrödinger pours some tea into the china.

Integra thanks Schrödinger before he leaves Monika and Integra alone. Integra takes a drink before lighting a cigar.

"Y'know, smoking's... not really the best for you... especially if you use a cigar rather than a cigarette." Monika explains, but Integra doesn't seem to care.

"So, Monika HenzaiSuru Kōdo. President of the DokiDoki City Literature Club." Integra monologues.

"Um... Ex-President. I... disbanded the club after my school year was over. And I have my powers because being the President of the Literature Club means you have phenomenal cosmic powers. In a word, I can do anything." Monika explains, and Integra raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"Anything?" Integra asks.

"Anything." Monika responds.

Integra takes a deep breath.

"Demonstrate." Integra orders.

"I need an order. I can't just... do something on the fly. It doesn't exactly work like that. I mean, I can use my powers whenever I want, but I'm not just gonna flaunt my powers when the person asking doesn't give me anything specific to do." I explain.

"That makes sense. But try something regardless." Integra orders.

"...did you not just hear me?" Monika asks, standing up.

"I heard you. Sit." Integra orders.

Monika sighs before she sits down.

"Alright. You want something? I'll give you something." Monika explains before she snaps her fingers, and Integra looks confused.

"What did you do?" Integra asks.

"Your lungs are now at the point of you not even touching a cigar." Monika explains, and Integra's eyes widen a little.

"How do you expect me to believe you?" Integra asks.

"Take a deep breath. And you'll see." Monika responds with a grin, and Integra does, going instantly wide-eyed.

She stands up quickly.

"How on Earth..?" Integra asks.

"Remember how I said I can do anything? I can literally do anything. Summon anything. Create ANY object. Kill ANYONE. And all of this power lies within my heart and brain. My heart is what allows me to do my powers, and my brain is what makes me think of which power I want to use." Monika explains, arms crossed.

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