Chapter 97: Forgiveness Pt. 6: More Saiyans

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"Lapis." I announce, making her look at me.

"What?" Lapis asks.

"You know 'what', Lapis! It's been eight days, and you spring this on me NOW??" I ask.

"You move too slow. I was only speeding things up." Lapis responds, and I slowly close the door behind me, glaring at her.

"What are you talking about, Lapis?" I ask.

"You know what. You're taking this relationship too slowly." Lapis responds, and I blush before chuckling evilly.

"Alright, then. Let's speed this up." I respond.

An hour later...

"...log date 76070... best. Idea. Ever."

An hour earlier...

9:09 A.M. Monika's POV

"Blake, you just canNOT hold your spice!" Yang exclaims as Blake licks at her milk cup like a cat before stopping to look at Yang.

Blake hisses and goes back to drinking. Yang chuckles and eats another pepper.

"Yang, if you're going to almost throw up fire, why do you eat the peppers?" Ruby asks.

"They taste good." Yang responds, going for another pepper, but Yuri slaps her hand lightly.

"No." Yuri retorts, and Yang pouts.

"Come on..." Yang groans.

"No. With all the peppers you ate, a bathroom break is imminent." Yuri responds.

As soon as she said that, Yang's stomach groans something fierce. Yang instantly stands up and walks to the bathroom.

"Told you." Yuri responds, tossing another pepper into her mouth.

Zoe takes one.

"Y'knaow, Oy've naevah hahd a paeppah in moy loife. Cahn't be thaht hawt." Zoe states before eating it.

After swallowing, she shrugs.

"It's kinda cold, actually." Zoe responds.

"Is your mouth the Vacuan Desert or something?!" Weiss asks hoarsely, face still flushed red from when she was forced to eat one.

"Nao. It's just nawt thaht hawt." Zoe responds.

Not even a second later, tears are rolling down Zoe's cheeks.

"Are you OK?" I ask, and Zoe looks to me.

"I'm fine." Zoe responds.

"Are you sure?" Blake asks.

"You're crying, hon." Cadabra responds, wiping Zoe's tears off of her face.

"Oy daon't croy! Bahd beetches daon't croy! Oy'm just tearin' up because the paeppah hayt finohly gawt t' me." Zoe explains, and Cadabra sighs, smiling.

"That'a girl." Cadabra responds.

Zoe licks Cadabra's cheek, and Cadabra's cheek melts.

"Am I melting?!" Cadabra asks, feeling her cheek.

"I think you're melting." Sayori responds.

Cadabra looks to me.

"Please don't let me melt." Cadabra pleads.

I giggle before giving her some ice, and Cadabra puts it in the melt wound, making her skin eventually mold back into her cheek, and she swallows the ice cube.

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