Chapter 75: You Ain't Never Had A Friend Like-- Wait, Wrong Genie.

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I know virtually nothing about this series, but I'm sure I got the gist of it.

6:09 A.M. Monika's POV

As I'm sitting on the couch, I take a deep breath before seeing out the window that the mailman is here, and he put an extremely old-looking paper in the mailbox, so when he leaves, I go to check it out before opening the scroll (no joke, this thing is literally a fucking scroll) and seeing that it's an application for a Genie-for-Hire in a place called Scuttle Town, located in Sequin Land.

"What in the hot 'n crispy Kentucky Fried Fuck? I never applied for this... oh well. Must be important if it's a genie thing. I better tell the others about this." I state aloud as I head inside and clear my throat.

"Manga." I state, and Natsuki is instantly next to me.

"You called?" Natsuki asks.

"Call for Sayori." I order.

"Why?" Natsuki asks.

"I'm going away for a while, and I want her to know about it. Oh, and could you not tell Yuri?" I respond.

"Alright..." Natsuki responds before whistling a certain type of way that makes Sayori crawl down the stairs like an actual cat, and she stands up when she makes it to us.

"What is it?" Sayori asks.

"Let me check something first. I'll be right back." I explain before walking upstairs and checking my room to see Anne, Vio and Yuri all asleep.

I sigh in relief before closing the door softly, and I walk back downstairs.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" Natsuki asks quietly.

I pull the scroll from my pocket.

"The mailman dropped this off, and I figured 'why not'." I respond before showing them the scroll, and Natsuki looks giddy before we look at her.

"Dumb question, but why are you so happy?" I ask.

"Because I know exactly what that place is!! You have to let me go with you!" Natsuki responds.

"Whyyyyyy?" I ask, hesitant.

"Do you even know who lives at Scuttle Town?!" Natsuki asks.

"" I respond.

"Shantae!" Natsuki responds, making us go starry-eyed.

"Shantae?!" Sayori and I ask.

"Shantae!!!" Natsuki responds.

"OK, I have to go do this now. But I just realized that she's being replaced by me..." I explain, and both of them wince.

"She's not gonna be happy..." Sayori responds.

"Maybe you should turn into your Genie form? Make the job a little more believable?" Natsuki explains, and I chuckle.

"What a great idea! Replace the old half-genie as an imitation of a cartoon genie!" I respond, and Natsuki looks a little hurt.

"...I'm sorry I suggested it." Natsuki sighs, and I hug her.

"No, it's my fault. I'll do it, if it makes you happy. I doubt they even know Aladdin." I respond before using code to transform myself into my Genie form.

"Let's just hope I don't get the wisecracking impressions side of this transformation, huh?" I ask, and they laugh, making a door open and close, and I poof into a necklace and wrap myself around Sayori to spy on whoever it is that came downstairs, and to my displeasure (for once), it's Yuri, rubbing her eyes.

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